19-20 Handbook of Dynamic System Modeling
continuous-time, or hybrid systems. The χ process algebra, that has been used as an example in this
chapter, illustrates that process algebra is not only suited to verification, but also very well suited to high-
level modeling and simulation of complex dynamical systems. The compositional semantics of a process
algebra facilitates modular composition of processes and statements not only using parallel composition
but also sequential composition, and in fact any kind of combination of statements by means of the process
algebra operators. The equational reasoning, that is characteristic of process algebra, allows rewriting of
complex specifications to a straightforward normal form, where parallel composition and many other
operators and statements have been eliminated. For the χ process algebra, the normal form is very similar
to a hybrid automaton, and thus simplifies the use and development of tools for simulation and verification.
The authors thank Albert Hofkamp for providing the main functionality of the χ toolset, and for many
helpful comments on drafts of this text. They thank Rolf Theunissen for his preparative work on the bottle
filling example, and for analysis of the properties of the resulting hybrid automaton using PHAVer. Finally,
they thank Ramon Schiffelers for enabling hybrid simulation of χ models.
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