Molecular Descriptors 127
preferable at each specific surface point. The properties considered are: the partial
charge formulated as the inverse of the mean partial charge of the neighboring lig-
and atoms, the complementary electrostatic coulomb-like potential to the ligand grid
property, a hydrogen bond property that denotes if in average a donor (−1) or acceptor
(+1) would be preferable, and a binary flag for the hydrophobicity of that surface
The resulting annotated isosurface of the hypothetical binding pocket can be used
in several ways. It can be viewed as a kind of inverse pharmacophore denoting which
ligand groups would be preferable at certain spatial points. Furthermore, it can be
used for the calculation of the potential energy of unknown molecules towards the
hypothetical surface. In all cases, the model should be first relaxed by the user by
cutting out those parts of the surface which cover assumably the opening of the pocket
and therefore do not restrict spatial positions of ligands. The potential energy can then
be separated into different potential types (e.g., steric and electrostatic) which can be
used as molecular descriptors to infer a QSAR model for this protein target. Other
proposed descriptors are the interaction energy for the receptor surface model, the
conformational energy of the “bound” conformation, the conformational energy of
the “relaxed” conformation (minimized outside the binding pocket model), and the
difference between the bound and the relaxed conformational energy.
The incorporation of geometrical information in the field- and shape-based molecu-
lar representations introduces a strong bias to the structural conformation on which
the calculation is performed. Several approaches to avoid this problem have been
proposed. The general idea is to regard several geometrical conformations during
the feature generation. For instance, this concept has been outlined in the 4D QSAR
paradigm published Santos-Filho and Hopfinger in 2002 [84]. The first step is anal-
ogous to a field-based 3D QSAR and consists of the definition of coordinate system
(grid) where initial conformers of structures are placed. In contrast to the field
approach, no interaction potentials are calculated. The atoms of the molecules are
categorized into several pharmacophoric classes (negative polar, positive polar, non-
polar, hydrogen-bond donor, hydrogen-bond acceptor, aromatic) and a wildcard type
(any) resulting in a set of interaction pharmacophoric elements (IPEs). The fourth
dimension is introduced by a conformational sampling using a molecular dynamics
simulation. This leads to a set of conformers for each molecule. The comparison of the
positions of the IPEs requires a structural alignment of the different conformations.
The aligned structures are further processed to return a set of 4D features which are
based on the occupancies of the cells of the reference grid the conformers are placed
in. These occupancies represent the features which can be regarded as 4D molecular
descriptors. For each IPE type, three occupancy types of the grid cells were proposed
in the original work of Santos-Filho and Hopfinger [84]:
Absolute-occupancy A
: The absolute occupancy is a measure for the number of all
IPEs of all conformers of a molecule that are placed inside a specific grid cell.