14.2.7. Alkylation
In the alkylation unit, two systems are used, either sulphuric acid or hydro-
fluoric acid, which are both considered hazardous chemicals. Material
handling with extreme care is required especially the hydrofluoric acid
during cleaning processes in which water is used. Improper contact of the
acid with water may lead to an explosion. A concentrated acid is used with
small amounts of water to avoid corrosion. Acid effluent must be neutralised
before it is sent to the sewers.
14.2.8. Hydrogen Production
Scheduled maintenance is required to prevent corrosion and ensure that
temperature and pressure are controlled. This must be done in order to avoid
hot spots in the reactor. Low boiling point hydrocarbons released from a leak
may lead to a fire and/or an explosion. Inspections for piping and connec-
tions should be done regularly to assure hydrogen production quality.
14.3. Safety Programs and Regulations
Regulatory agencies such as the Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) (OSHA, 2004) and the Chemical Safety and Haz-
ard Investigation Board (CSIB) in the United States set safety regulations
and accident investigation procedures to ensure work safety in industrial
environments. Refining processes have special safety requirements due to
the handling of crude oil and flammable hydrocarbons. Recently, every
refinery began making its own safety programs based on its processing
scheme, environmental regulations and manpower.
14.4. Accidents and Loss Prevention Measures
All accidents and near misses, which are unplanned events that do not
result in injury, should be reported. Statistical analyses based on the reported
accident data improve regulations and procedures to save lives and property
by reducing and eliminating accidents in industry. The benchmarking
indicators for accident reporting (Ball, 1991) are: lost time accident (LTA)
rate, recordable accident rate, LTA severity rate and days lost per LTA.
Accident frequency rates are calculated on the basis of number of
accidents per 100,000 working hours. The typical LTA rate is 0.3. An
LTA value of 0.3 means 0.3 injuries per 100,000 h. The average time at
work in refineries is 2000 h per year (50 work weeks/year 40 h/week).
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