Environmental Factors of Waste Tire Pyrolysis Final Report
[2-9] Kawakami, Shigezo, et. al.; Kobe Steel, Ltd., unpublished report, Pyrolysis Process for Scrap
Tires, undated, 13 p.
[2-10] Roy, V.; B. De Caumia; and C. Roy, "Development of a Gas-Cleaning System for a Scrap-Tire
Vacuum-Pyrolysis Plant," Gas Separation & Purification 1992, Vol 6, No. 2, pp. 83-87.
[2-11] Williams, Paul T.; S. Besler; and D.T. Taylor, "The Fuel Properties of Pyrolytic Oil Derived From
The Batch Pyrolysis of Tyre Waste," Waste: Handling, Processing and Recycling, The Institution
of Mechanical Engineers, 27 April 1993, pp. 21-30.
[2-12] Kaminsky, Walter, "Pyrolysis of Plastic Waste and Scrap Tyres in a Fluid Bed Reactor," Resource
Recovery and Conservation, 5 (1980), Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., Amsterdam, pp. 205-
[2-13] Ledford, Charles, ECO2, Hawthorne, FL, J. Burke, ICF, telephone conversation, 9 July 1993,
(904) 481 0187.
[2-14] Jarrell, J., Heartland Industries, Malden, MO, telephone conversations, J. Burke, ICF, 6 July, 7
July, 9 July, and 14 July 1993 (314) 624 0097.
[2-15] Moyer, William, Cheyenne Industries; J. Mayer, ICF telephone conversation, 2 July 1993, (614)
876 6311.
[2-16] Singbeil, Brent, Jentan Resources, Ltd, Vancouver, BC, Canada; J. Burke, ICF, telephone
conversation, 19 July 1993, (604) 875 8677.
[2-17] Conrad Industries, company brochure, undated.
[2-18] Weege, Don, RMAC International, Troutdale, OR; J. Burke, ICF, telephone conversation, 2 July
1993, (503) 667 6790.
[2-19] Arrington, Scott, Wayne Technology Corp., Rochester, NY; J. Burke, ICF, telephone
conversations, 30 June, 2 July, 14 July 1993, (716) 264 5900.
[2-20] Fransham, Peter, Worthing Industries, Calgary, AL, Canada; J. Mayer, ICF, telephone
conversation, 12 July 1993, (403) 284 5302.
[2-21] Berry, Reginald I., "Tire Pyrolysis Rolls On Despite Economic Doubts," Chemical Engineering,
December 31, 1979, pp. 30-32.
July 1995 2-16 CalRecovery, Inc.