boundary (33.7 Ma), and 2.3 Ma. Other anomalies –
specifically, spikes in iridium concentrations in
sedimentary sequences – have been suggested at the
Triassic–Jurassic boundary and at the Devonian–
Carboniferous boundary. These anomalous concen-
trations have been associated with catastrophic
events, usually meteor impacts or massive volcanic
eruptions, and faunal crises or mass extinctions. Be-
cause of their global nature, limited duration, and
precisely defined ages, anomalous siderophile con-
centrations can serve as indirect dating tools in
sedimentary sequences (see Impact Structures).
The amino acid racemization (AAR) method uses
the asymmetry of isomeric forms of several amino
acids in fossil skeletal material to determine the time
since the start of racemization. Racemization is the
reversible conversion of one set of amino acid isomers
to another set of isomers and begins with death of the
organism. Sample materials are chemically treated
and the amino acid types and isomer ratios are deter-
mined through chromatography methods. These
ratios are used to calculate the time since the start of
racemization through a formula containing a sample-
site constant for the racemization rate. Because the
racemization rate depends on external factors such
as temperature, pH, and moisture, the rate varies
between one sample site and another and must be
calibrated for each site and each sample. This usually
involves calibration against other samples (from the
same sites) that have been dated by other methods.
Application Oxygen isotope stratigraphy may be
applied to planktonic foraminiferal tests in pelagic
sediments that are at least 1 My old. Sulphur isotopes
are most commonly used to date marine evaporites
with ages of deposition extending through 650 Ma.
Carbon isotopes may be used to date marine evapor-
ites, marine carbonates, and (metamorphosed)
marbles through Neoproterozoic age. Similarly,
strontium, which substitutes readily for calcium, can
also be used to date marine carbonates, apatite in
marine sediments, and marbles through the Neopro-
terozoic. All of the isotope methods generally re-
quire samples that have been relatively unaltered by
postdepositional events such as erosion, bioturbation,
metamorphism, or recrystallization during diagen-
esis. Notably, work with metamorphosed marbles
has indicated that C and Sr isotopes may maintain
their original sedimentary deposition ratios despite
having undergone extreme changes in pressure, tem-
perature, and deformation subsequent to deposition.
Siderophile element anomalies are confined to the
sedimentary rock record; the most well-documented
anomaly is at the Cretaceous–Tertiary boundary (see
Mesozoic: End Cretaceous Extinctions). The AAR
method is restricted primarily to dating Holocene
foraminifers extracted from pelagic sediments, al-
though ages have also been determined for coprolites
and mollusc shells.
Absolute Geochronological
Radiogenic Isotope Techniques
Methodology The natural decay of a radioactive
isotope to a stable isotope occurs at a regular rate
that is described by the decay constant (l ). The decay
process is defined by an exponential function repre-
sented by the decay ‘half-life’ (t
); the half-life is
equivalent to the amount of time necessary for one-
half of the radioactive nuclide to decay to a stable
nuclide form. Radiogenic isotope techniques use this
principle to calculate the age of a rock or mineral
through measurement of the amount of radioactive
‘parent’ isotope and stable ‘daughter’ isotope in the
sample material. The parent/daughter ratio and the
decay constant for that isotope series are used to
calculate how much time had to elapse for all of the
stable daughter isotope to have been produced from
an initial reservoir of radioactive parent isotope in the
material (Table 3). This calculation presumes (1) no
net transfer of radiogenic parent, stable daughter,
and/or intermediate radioactive isotopes in or out of
the sample material (mineral or rock) since time zero,
(2) no unknown quantity of daughter isotope in the
sample at time zero, and (3) that decay constants have
not changed over the history of Earth. Many radio-
genic isotope techniques are presently used to deter-
mine the ages of geological materials; the choice of
appropriate isotopic system to determine an age of a
sample depends primarily on the composition of the
sample material, the geological ‘event’ or ‘process’ to
be dated, and the sample’s age. The latter is directly
linked to the half-life of the isotope system: radio-
nuclides with long half-lives can be used to date very
old samples, whereas those with shorter half-lives are
restricted to dating younger rocks. In addition to the
naturally occurring radioactive isotopes, a number of
nuclear reactions of cosmic rays with gas molecules
will produce radionuclides, the so-called cosmogenic
radionuclides. The most long-lived of these can be
used for age determinations based on principles simi-
lar to those outlined for the other radioactive isotopes.
Applications The methods routinely used to date
terrestrial metamorphic or igneous rocks and their
minerals include techniques utilizing U/Th/Pb, Pb/
Pb, Sm/Nd, Lu/Hf, Re/Os, Rb/Sr, K–Ar, and Ar/Ar
(Table 3). All of these isotopes have half-lives >1By,
ANALYTICAL METHODS/Geochronological Techniques 87