952 Chapter 26 Enhanced Data Models for Advanced Applications
the updating transaction, ‘2003-06-04,08:56:12’. Note that this is a retroactive
update, since the updating transaction ran on June 4, 2003, but the salary change is
effective on June 1, 2003.
Similarly, when Wong’s salary and department are updated (at the same time) to
30000 and 5, the updating transaction’s timestamp is ‘2001-01-07,14:33:02’ and the
effective valid time for the update is ‘2001-02-01’. Hence, this is a proactive update
because the transaction ran on January 7, 2001, but the effective date was February
1, 2001. In this case, tuple V
is logically replaced by V
and V
Next, let us illustrate how a delete operation would be implemented on a bitempo-
ral relation by considering the tuples V
and V
in the EMP_BT relation of Figure
26.9. Here, employee Brown left the company effective August 10, 2002, and the log-
ical delete is carried out by a transaction T with
TS(T) = 2002-08-12,10:11:07.
Before this,
V9 was the current version of Brown, and its Tet was uc. The logical
delete is implemented by setting V
.Tet to 2002-08-12,10:11:07 to invalidate it, and
creating the final version V
for Brown, with its Vet = 2002-08-10 (see Figure 26.9).
Finally, an insert operation is implemented by creating the first version as illustrated
by V
in the EMP_BT table.
Implementation Considerations. There are various options for storing the
tuples in a temporal relation. One is to store all the tuples in the same table, as
shown in Figures 26.8 and 26.9. Another option is to create two tables: one for the
currently valid information and the other for the rest of the tuples. For example, in
the bitemporal
EMP_BT relation, tuples with uc for their Tet and now for their Vet
would be in one relation, the current table, since they are the ones currently valid
(that is, represent the current snapshot), and all other tuples would be in another
relation. This allows the database administrator to have different access paths, such
as indexes for each relation, and keeps the size of the current table reasonable.
Another possibility is to create a third table for corrected tuples whose
Tet is not uc.
Another option that is available is to vertically partition the attributes of the tempo-
ral relation into separate relations so that if a relation has many attributes, a whole
new tuple version is created whenever any one of the attributes is updated. If the
attributes are updated asynchronously, each new version may differ in only one of
the attributes, thus needlessly repeating the other attribute values. If a separate rela-
tion is created to contain only the attributes that always change synchronously, with
the primary key replicated in each relation, the database is said to be in temporal
normal form. However, to combine the information, a variation of join known
as temporal intersection join would be needed, which is generally expensive to
It is important to note that bitemporal databases allow a complete record of
changes. Even a record of corrections is possible. For example, it is possible that two
tuple versions of the same employee may have the same valid time but different
attribute values as long as their transaction times are disjoint. In this case, the tuple
with the later transaction time is a correction of the other tuple version. Even incor-
rectly entered valid times may be corrected this way. The incorrect state of the data-