272 • THE ROAD TO VICTORY: From Pearl Harbor to Okinawa
Schroeder 122
Shaw 15,41
Sotoyomo 41
St Louis 35
Tennessee 34,37,40,122,152
Utah 22,29,30,41
Vestal 29-30,34,41
Vincennes 99
Ward 23,26
Washington 224
Wasp 96,104,105
West Virginia 31,34,37,40
Yorktown 46,48,49,54,55,56,57, 58,59,60,
61, 62, 63, 68, 68,69, 72, 73,76, 78, 80,
84-85, 86, 88
Shoho 47,54,54,55,57,57-58
Shokaku 20,23,23,43,47,58,60
Short, Lieutenant-General Walter C. 15,16,19,37
Shoup, Colonel David M. 119,119,124,131,132,
Shropshire, HMAS 213
"Slot," the, Guadalcanal 102
Smith, Lieutenant-General Holland M. 218
Iwo Jima (1945) 216,218,224,228
Tarawa (1943) 118-119,124,139
Smith, Major-General Julian C. 119,124,132,136,
Solomon Islands, the 20,52,90,91
see also Guadalcanal
Soryu 8,23,74,78,79,81,82
Sotoyomo, USS 41
Spearfish, USS 220
Springfield rifles 30
Spruance, Rear-Admiral Raymond A. 218
Iwo Jima (1945) 218,221
Leyte Gulf (1944) 193
Marshall Islands (1944) 144
Midway (1942) 67,67,72,76,85,88
Okinawa (1945) 248-249,249,250
Tarawa (1943) 117,118,132
St Louis, USS 35
Stuart light tanks 95, 99,137,139
submachine guns 95
submarines, Japanese 18
I-17 23
1-23 23
midget submarines 18,41
submarines, US
Dace, USS 200,200
Darter, USS 200
Spearfish, USS 220
Japanese 103,170-171
US 95,124
Takao 200
Takeo, Rear-Admiral Takagi 44,44,55
Tama 215
Tanambogo 97
tanks, Japanese 180
"Ha-Go" tanks 122,133
tanks, US
M10 tank destroyers 173
Sherman tanks 120,122,124,132-133,135-136,
Stuart light tanks 95,99,137,139
Tarawa, battle of (1943)
aftermath 139
casualties 130,134,136,137
commanders 117-120
D-Day 125-134
D-Day+1 134-137
D-Day+2 137
D-Day+3 137-139
the defenders 133-134
opposing forces 120-123
opposing plans 123-125
origins of the campaign 117
Red Beach 1 129,132
Red Beach 2 129-130,132-133
Red Beach 3 131,132-133
Tasimboko raid 105-106
Taylor, 2nd Lieutenant Kenneth 32,34,36
TBF/TBM Avenger aircraft 193,195
Tenaru, battle of the (1942) 102-104
Tennessee, USS
battle of Tarawa (1943) 122
Marshall Islands (1944) 152
Pearl Harbor (1941) 34,37,40
ToeiMaru 23
TohuMaru 23
"TojoLine" 143
"Tokyo Express" 102,108,114
Tomonaga, Lieutenant Joichi 74,77,85
torpedoes 20,47
Truk Island 104,160
Tsingtao, battle of (1914) 12
Tsushima, battle of (1905) 12
Tulagi 91,92,93,96-97
Turner, Rear-Admiral Richmond Kelly 218
Guadalcanal (1942) 94,99,112
Iwo Jima (1945) 218
Marshall Islands (1944) 144
Okinawa (1945) 249,250
Tarawa (1943) 119,122
Ulithi Island 169,183-185,188
Underwater Demolition Team (UDT) 168,252
US Forces
see also aircraft, US; ships, US; weapons, US
commanders 15-18,44-46, 66-67,94,117-119,
communications 95,128
the Coral Sea (1942) 43-46,48-49,51-63
the fleet 48-49,68-69
Guadalcanal (1942) 91,92-93,94,95-115
intelligence 16,19,97,104,105-106,168
Iwo Jima (1945) 11,217-243
Leyte Gulf (1944) 191-195,195,197-215
Marshall Islands 6,43,140-143,144-146,
Midway (1942) 65,66-67,68-69,72-88
Okinawa (1945) 245,247-267
Pearl Harbor (1941) 14-16,19-41
Peleliu (1944) 167-170,171-172,173,174-189
tactics 95,124
Tarawa (1943) 116-139
Ushijima, Lieutenant-General Mitsuru 245,249,
Ushio 20
Utah, USS 22,29,30,41
Vandegrift, Major-General Alexander A. 93,94,96,
Vesta!, USS 29-30,34,41
Vincennes, USS 99
Vought F4U-1 Corsair fighters 262
Wake Island 20,54,140,147,164
Ward, USS 23,26
Washington, USS 224
Washington Naval Treaty (1922) 69
Wasp, USS 96,104,105
Watson, Major-General Thomas E. 144,160,163,
weapons, Japanese
anti-aircraft guns 125
anti-tank weapons 229,256
flamethrowers 173
howitzers 125
machine guns 102,125,236,262
weapons, US
anti-aircraft guns 31
anti-tank weapons 110
bazookas 173,231
Browning automatic rifles 95,122
flamethrowers 122,173,185,230,253,257
Garand M l semi-automatic rifles 122
grenades 185
HB-M2 machine guns 245
howitzers 174,222
M1917 Browning machine guns 99,255
M1919A4 machine guns 253
Reising submachine guns 95
rocket launchers 252
Springfield rifles 30
Wei Haiwei, battle of (1895) 11
Welch, 2nd Lieutenant George 32,34,36
Wesf Virginia, USS 31,34,37,40
Weyler, Rear-Admiral George L. 210,211
Wotje Atoll 140,147,148,164
Yahagi 262,264
Yahara, Colonel Hiromichi 249,255,261
Yalu River, battle of (1894) 11
Yamaguchi, Rear-Admiral Tamon 66,66,77,83,
Yamamoto, Admiral Isoroku 16-17,18,19,23,41,
Yamashiro 198,211-213
Yamato 198,200,202,210,262-264
Yap Island 169
Yorktown, USS
the Coral Sea (1942) 46,48,49,52,54,55,56,
Midway (1942) 68, 68, 69,72,73, 76,78, 80,
84-85, 86, 88
Z Operation (1944) 143
Zeke 52 fighters 71
Zero aircraft 32,40,51,53-54,60-61,74,78,
Zuiho 207,209
Zuikaku 23,23,47,59,60,198,207,209