The iden tification of bio-indicator organisms or genes present in elevated
numbers in soil samples with anomalous trace metals concentrations may lead to the
development of specific nuclei c acid probes for these bio-indicators that can be used
directly for bio-prospecting. Nucleic acid probes are complementary to signature
sequences of functional or ribosomal DNA or RNA of particular species or groups
of organisms and are fluorescently- or isotopically labelled allowing for their detec-
tion at very low concentration (Barns and Nierzwicki-Bauer, 1997). Nucleic acid
probes can bind to bulk community DNA or RNA bound in filter membranes
making it possibl e to quantify the amoun t and activity of particular bio-indicator
organisms (Barns and Nierzwi cki-Bauer, 1997).
Up to several hundred thousan d nucleic acid probe s can be used together as a
molecular micro-array, as shown in Fig. 12-10 (Widada et a l., 2002; Zhou and
Thomps on, 2002;, Zhou (2003) ; Bae and Park, in press). Molecular micro-arrays,
which all ow researchers t o study comple x microbial communities, comprise one
of the new tools in m olecular m icrobiology. Micro-arrays are powerful tools
for detection of multiple genes from soil samples, g iving a vast amount of i n-
formation relating to the phylogenetic and/or functional structure of microbial
Expression micro-arrays are used to assess gene expression from microbial
cultures or environm ental samples. This type of micro-array provides information
relating to the activity of the microbe(s), i.e., ‘listening-in’ to the message provided by
the microbes. Furthermore, key genes associated with environmental attributes can
be identified. For example, genes can be identified that are important when a species
is subjected to elevated concentrations of heavy meta ls. Identification of genes
that facilitate heavy metal transformations may then lead to the development of
micro-arrays with specific probes for these genes. These can then be applied as
exploration tools after RNA extraction from soil samples.
Heavy metal specific bacterial sensors provide another promising bio-prospecting
tool, allowing the measurement of mobile heavy metals in soil samples to ppb levels
(Tibazarwa et al., 2001; Rensing and Maier, 2003). This technique, which is high-
lighted in Case Study 3, was initially developed for ecotoxicological testing of heavy
metal polluted sites in Europe and the US to distinguish between mobile and
bioavailable, and non-mobile and non-bioavailable fractions of heavy metals in soils
and sediments (Rensi ng and Maier, 2003). Metal specific bacterial sensors have been
developed for a number of metals and metalloids such as As, Cu, Ni, Co, Zn, Pb, Hg
and Cd, and could be tested as exploration tools in bio-prospecting (Rensing and
Maier, 2003). Such biosensors are able to distinguish between mobile transported
heavy metals and in-situ bac kground concentrations much better than by wet chem-
ical methods (Rensing and Maier, 2003). This is likely to be of specific interest to
geochemical exploration.
Antibody-based or immuno-assays offer an alternative approach for metal ion
detection in natural samples. An immuno-assay makes use of the binding between an
antigen and its homologous antibody in order to quantify the specific antigen or
Biogeochemistry in Mineral Exploration