20 The RoboCup Mixed Reality League 401
dynamic, virtual objects, e.g., the soccer ball used in our typical soccer application.
They can change position, orientation, appearance, and so on. Lastly, there are the
dynamic, real objects, which in our system are typically the robots or other devices
controlled by the real world or real physics, like a real soccer ball, for instance.
Properties of these objects may differ, depending on the control applied by the sys-
tem, if any. Robots, e.g., may behave according to virtual limitations, such as having
a maximum speed lower than physically possible.
There have been proposals for active, physical objects in mixed reality systems
before, e.g., like the “propelled bricks” or a “magnetic puck” [10, 11]. However,
unlike the previous proposals, the use of possibly autonomous robots offers higher
flexibility. The system allows to control position, orientation, and possibly addi-
tional properties of a large number of robots independently of each other and
independently of their position with respect to each other and on the screen.
The target domain for the RoboCup mixed reality system is research and edu-
tainment. Education is addressed by an easy access to the programming and low
costs of the overall system with a considerably high number of robots occupying
minimal s pace. The use of real robots makes the system much more attractive for
students than the typical pure virtual multi-agent frameworks without bringing much
additional burden in terms of hardware complexity or difficult programming frame-
works. The system has also been used in introductory programming experience in
undergraduate courses and it demonstrated extreme effectiveness i n the motivation
of the students, who, based on prepared templates, were able to program soccer
playing behavior despite their limited experience and novice status [12, 13]. Specific
applications, e.g., like soccer can also be used for entertainment. Then users may,
for example, take control of some robots via gamepads.
Possible research scenarios span from typical simulation-only robotic multi-
agent systems to applications, only possible in real multi-robot systems. They
include the fields that emerge from the interaction of real and virtual worlds.
Examples include soccer, but also traffic simulation [14], human coaching, auto-
mated role assignment, multi-robot learning strategies, and swarm applications
based on local on-robot sensing and actuation. Moreover, because the robots are so
small, new applications become also possible, such as the use of the micro-robots
and the entire mixed reality system in insect mixed society experiments (Fig. 20.2).
As also shown in the European LEURRE project [15], insects can be deceived
to “believe” the robots are members of their group. This allows the programming of
exhaustively long behavioral experiments that only robots can perform.
Our first mature benchmark application combining research, education, and
entertainment aspects was a two versus two robotic soccer game performed on a
20’’ display. The current benchmark is a five versus five game on a 42’’ display.
In the future, with even larger screens, 11 versus 11 is targeted. Aside from robotic
soccer there already are numerous other applications that explore research, educa-
tion, and entertainment in a well-balanced way. This includes a Pacman-like game
with real “Pacman” and virtual ghosts, an ice hockey game, where real robots have
been “equipped” with virtual hockey sticks and a virtual ice hockey puck with “vir-
tual” physics different from a soccer ball. In this chapter we will present a racing