Naming Scopes
Each scope defined for the Microsoft DHCP server can have an associated name. You
use this name to identify the scope in the list of available scopes displayed by the
DHCP manager. Because the DHCP manager displays the scopes in alphabetical
order, you might want to define a naming convention that groups related scopes
together by assigning names with the same prefix to those scopes.
Available and Excluded Addresses in a Scope
Within a scope, you define the set of addresses that are available for assignment by
the DHCP server. You can also designate a list of excluded addresses that the DHCP
server should not assign. You can define the list of available addresses so that it
contains just the addresses in the scope that are available for the server to assign.
However, each scope definition can contain only one list of available addresses; each
scope definition must be contiguous and specified by the first and last addresses in
the list. Therefore, if you want the list of available addresses to include noncontigu-
ous addresses, you must declare the list of available addresses to span all the avail-
able addresses and then specifically exclude some addresses.
To illustrate how to define available addresses to the Microsoft DHCP server, suppose
a network segment is defined to have IP address and subnet mask and that the DHCP server is to assign addresses– and– In this example the
corresponding declaration in the configuration file for the ISC server is shown in
Example 13.1.
Example 13.1
subnet subnet-mask {
Figure 13.6 illustrates the definition of the list of available addresses through the
New Scope Wizard. Note that the subnet mask for the scope is also defined in this
dialog box.
You can configure the Microsoft DHCP server for the available addresses shown in
Figure 13.6 by setting the range to– and then putting
the range– in the list of excluded addresses. Figure 13.7
shows the next dialog box in the New Scope Wizard, in which the addresses through have been excluded from assignment.
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