NetBIOS address over TCP/IP name servers (WINS)
Option code: 44
Length: n
Data: list of IP addresses
The NetBIOS address over TCP/IP name servers option lists the addresses of
Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) servers that are available to the client. If
more than one address is in the list, the servers are listed in order of preference. The
length must be a multiple of 4; if s servers are in the list, the length is 4s.
NetBIOS address over TCP/IP datagram distribution server
Option code: 45
Length: n
Data: list of IP addresses
The NetBIOS address over TCP/IP datagram distribution (NBDD) server option lists
the addresses of NBDD servers that are available to the client. If more than one
address is in the list, the servers are listed in order of preference. The length must be
a multiple of 4; if s servers are in the list, the length is 4s.
NetBIOS address over TCP/IP node type
Option code: 46
Length: 1
Data: 1 B-node: Broadcast—no WINS
2 P-node: Peer—WINS only
4 M-node: Mixed—broadcast, then WINS
8 H-node: Hybrid—WINS, then broadcast
The NetBIOS address over TCP/IP node type option specifies the type of node to
which the client should configure itself. The data in the option encodes the node
NetBIOS address over TCP/IP scope
Option code: 47
Length: n
Data: NetBIOS over TCP/IP scope
The NetBIOS address over TCP/IP scope option specifies the NetBIOS over TCP/IP
scope for the client. The scope is encoded as a string of characters, which must be
selected according to the restrictions in RFC 1002, RFC 1002, and RFC 1035. The
resulting character string is not terminated with a null character.
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