algebra approach exposes some weaknesses in the homogeneous model. It turns out that
we cannot really define a useful inner product in the representation space
represents the metric aspects of the original space
well; we can only revert to the
inner product of
. As a consequence, we also have no compelling geometric product,
and our geometric algebra of
is impoverished, being reduced to outer product and
nonmetric uses of duality (such as
meet and join). This restr icts the natural use of the
homogeneous model to applications in which the metric is less important than the aspects
of spanning and intersection. The standard example is the projective geometry involved
in imaging by multiple cameras, and we treat that application in detail in Chapter 12. Still,
the quantitative capabilities of geometric algebra do help in assigning some useful relative
metrical meaning to ratios of computed elements.
The better model to treat the metric aspects of Euclidean geomet ry is a representation
that can make full use of the power of geometric algebra. That is the conformal model
of Chapter 13, which requires two extra dimensions. It provides an isometric model of
Euclidean geometry. In this representation, all Euclidean transformations become repre-
sentable as versors, and are therefore manifestly structure-preserving. This gives a satis-
fyingly transparent structure for dealing with objects and operators, far transcending the
classical homogeneous coordinate techniques. We initially show how this indeed extends
the homogeneous model with metric capabilities, such as the smooth interpolation of
rigid body motions in Chapter 13. Then in Chapter 14 we find that there are other
elements of Euclidean geometry naturally represented as blades in this model: spheres,
circles, point pairs, and tangents. These begin to suggest applications and algorithms that
transcend the usual methods. To develop the tools for those, we look at the new construc-
tions in detail in Chapter 15. In the last chapter on the conformal model, we find the
reason behind its name: all conformal (angle-preserving) transformations are versors,
and this now also gives us the possibility to smoothly interpolate rigid body motions with
scaling. In all of these chapters, the use of the interactive software is important to convey
how natural and intuitive these new tools can become.
But first, we should make more explicit how the regular n-dimensional geometric alge-
bra, used as a vector space model, gives us tools to treat the directional aspects of an
n-dimensional space. This capability of computing with an algebra of directions will
transfer to the more powerful models as a directional submodel at every location in space.