8. The subjects of a study by J. Jose and S. R. Ell (A-13) were 303 healthy volunteers who self-
assessed their own nasal flow status by indicating whether their nasal airway was (1) totally
clear, (2) not very clear, (3) very blocked, or (4) totally blocked. Following the self-assessment,
an In-Check meter was used to measure peak inspiratory nasal flow rate (PINFR, L/min). Data
on 175 subjects in three of the self-assessment categories are displayed in the following table.
The authors performed a Kruskal–Wallis test to determine if these data provide sufficient evi-
dence to indicate a difference in population centers of PINFR among these three response groups.
Let What is the test statistic value for this test?
Peak Inspiratory Nasal Flow Rate (L/min)
Totally Clear Not Very Clear Partially Blocked
180 105 150 120 160 190 130 100
150 150 110 95 200 95 110 100
200 240 130 140 70 130 110 100
130 120 100 135 75 240 130 105
200 90 170 100 150 180 125 95
120 135 80 130 80 140 100 85
150 110 125 180 130 150 230 50
150 155 115 155 160 130 110 105
160 105 140 130 180 90 270 200
150 140 140 140 90 115 180
110 200 95 120 180 130 130
190 170 110 290 140 210 125
150 150 160 170 230 190 90
120 120 90 280 220 135 210
180 170 135 150 130 130 140
140 200 110 185 180 210 125
130 160 130 150 140 90 210
230 180 170 150 140 125 120
200 170 130 170 120 140 115
140 160 115 210 140 160 100
150 150 145 140 150 230 130
170 100 130 140 190 100 130
180 100 170 160 210 120 110
160 180 160 120 130 120 150
200 130 90 230 190 150 110
90 200 110 100 220 110 90
130 120 130 190 160 150 120
140 145 130 90 105 130 115
200 130 120 100 120 150 140
220 100 130 125 140 130 130
200 130 180 180 130 145 160
120 160 140 200 115 160 110
310 125 175 160 115 120 165
160 100 185 170 100 220 120
115 140 190 85 150 145 150
a = .01.