function without nonrenewables. Sustainable architecture and design add to quality
of the environment, to clean air, to water, to renewing and protecting life—all by
designing the connections to what is there. The place is better because of sustain-
able design.
Green design is an element of sustainable design. Green buildings and commu-
nities that integrate the local climate and building resources, create healthy interior
spaces with natural light, and complete recycling and reuse of materials are critical
to the development of a sustainable future. Green buildings that efficiently use grid-
based (nonrenewable) energy slow the energy and pollution crisis, but if the energy
sources powering these buildings are unsustainable, the design is not sustainable.
Sustainable design differs from green design in that it is additive and inclusive—
it includes continuing, surviving, thriving, and adapting. Green design incorporates
ecologically sensitive materials and creates healthy buildings and processes that do
not negatively affect the environment before, during, or after manufacture, construc-
tion, and deconstruction. Green design incorporates efficient mechanical systems and
high-performance technologies but still functions primarily through the use of fossil
fuels. Sustainable design integrates the principles of green design and goes further to
become a passive and active structure that is designed to maximize the use of sites’
natural renewable resources. When buildings are conceived as organisms instead of
objects, they become part of the ecological neighborhood, and since they operate off
existing site and regional renewable energies, they are sustainable.
Sustainable design improves the quality of life while eliminating the need for
nonrenewable energy. When a design solution incorporates sustainable energies to
power that design’s functioning, that “work” is done for free. Free work is what nat-
ural systems provide; it powers all ecology. Human ecology, though similar, is criti-
cally different. Although largely powered by sustainable processes that provide
essential needs, human settlements rely on fossil fuel for food, comfort, transporta-
tion, air, water, and security. Designs powered by free sustainable energies require
no fossil fuel and are capable of providing a healthier level of comfort and a higher
quality of life. In achieving this connection with local free energies, sustainable
design reduces or eliminates the daily consumption of nonrenewables, reduces pro-
ject costs and maintenance costs and requirements, increases user approval and user
productivity, and reduces the total embodied project energy. Sustainable design is
green design powered by sustainable energies—functioning unplugged.
Why Now?
Remarkably few cities or municipalities have development plans for the next 10
years, not to mention for the next 100 years. Yet any neighborhood, town, or city
that wants to assure the quality of its future must actively design and plan for that
quality, or it will not happen. Design and planning, in part, mean that proactive steps
are being taken to assure that something necessary and desired will happen. Sus-
tainable planning assures that the changes that occur will be desired and powered
by sustainable energies and resources.
“In any endeavor, good
design resides in two prin-
ciples. First, it changes the
least number of elements to
achieve the greatest result.
Second, it removes stress
from a system rather than
adding it.”