Nick Pugh is an independent concept designer, engineer and
fabricator whose mission is to do advanced design and research in
transportation, entertainment and architecture. Born in Paris,
France; he attended schools in England, Rio de Janeiro, and
, California and spent long summers on the family farm in
New Hampshire collecting snakes, building forts and swimming.
ith a fascination of natur
e, ar
t and science fiction he began
designing and building his ideas at a young age with an obsession
that continues to today. After a receiving a high school diploma in
tying, Nick went on to Ar
t Center wher
e he r
eceived a B.S.
in Transportation Design. Upon his completion of Art Center he
decided that his love for car design outweighed his discomfort with
the corporate culture that controlled it, and he began what has
become a lifelong quest to realize the ultimate possibility of “a
unique car design for every individual customer.” Nick is a co-
founder of NGV
-USA, and has cr
eated a patented fuel storage
chassis that significantly increases the range of natural gas and
hydrogen-powered vehicles. This ARPA-sponsored project culmi-
nated in the first unsuppor
ted drive acr
oss the U.S.A. in a dedi-
cated NGV and is currently being further developed by Chrysler.
His work in the entertainment field includes projects for Warner
Brothers, Universal and Hearst Entertainment. He currently is con-
tracted as a concept artist at Rhythm and Hues Studios on projects
ranging from TV commercials and feature films to motion rides. He
was instr
umental in the design of Scooby in the new “Scooby Doo”
movie. His latest credits include “Men In Black II,” “Daredevil,” “X-
Men 2,” and “The Cat In The Hat.”
Nick's work has been published in
Wired, Omni, Metropolis, Los
Angeles Times and other publications, and he was a featur
ed guest
on the recent TV show “The Ride Of Your Life.” He is a central figure
in the new book Build the Perfect Beast by Mark Christensen, which
chronicles the building of Pugh's first personal concept car—the
XENO III—that was unveiled in January ’02 to over 600 guests and
media at Art Center. Nick's work bridges the gap between the world
of exotic ar
tistic design and that of the hands-on pr
oduction engi-
neer. Nick Pugh is married and lives in Long Beach, California.
nick pugh