RC (Ro Chriost) BC (Before Christ)
rè nf duration (uncommon as a noun – far
more common as a prep as follows):
rè prep⫹ gen ⫹ len during, for the duration
rè na h-oidhche during the night
an ochdamh linn deug during the eigh-
teenth century
rè thrì bliadhna the dura-
tion of three years
rè shia mhìosan for /
during six months
cha do ghabh e àite
rè bhliadhnachan an dara Cogaidh Mhòir
it didn’t take place during the years of
the Second World War
rè a’ chola-deug
air an eilean during the fortnight on the
rè grunn bhliadhnachan during
a number of years
reachd, -an nf emotion (strong), extreme
vexation, hysterics, orgasm
bha aghaidh
dearg leis an reachd his face was red with
reachd, -an nm decree, edict, institute, law,
precept, regulation, rule, sanction, statute,
reachd eaglaise canon
pl may ⫽ constitution (hist.)
còirichean title deeds
reachd-leabhar nm statute book
… a
chum aithneachadh fhaighinn tro na
reachd-leabhraichean [in order] to gain
recognition through the statute books
reachdachd nf legislation
reachdail a constitutional, statutory
buidhnean reachdail statutory bodies
reachdail a hysterical
reacòrd, -adh v record (on disc, tape etc.)
bha e a’reacòrdadh òrain Ghàidhlig anns
na h-eileanan he was recording Gaelic
songs in the islands
reacòrdair, -ean nm recorder (mus.)
reactar, -air, -an nm reactor
reactor, -oir, -oir nm rector
reaf, reafaichean nm referee
bha e na
reaf orra he acted as their referee / he was
their referee
used in N. Uist for rachadh
reamhar, reamhra a fat, fleshy, plump
bha e na dhuine reamhar he was a fat man
reamhrachd nf fatness
reamhrachadh, -aidh nm & vn of
reamhraich fattening
reamhraich, -achadh v fatten
reasabaidh, -ean nm recipe
rèasan, -ain, -an nm raisin (also rèiseid nf )
reasgach, -aiche a wicked, irascible, per-
verse, stubborn
cha robh e reasgach
nuair a bha an daorach air he wasn’t
wicked when he was drunk
na bi cho
reasgach don’t be so perverse
reat, -aichean
see ràta
reatoraig nf rhetoric
reic, reic v peddle, realize, sell, vend
a reic sold
ri reic for sale
a ghabhas
reic marketable
reicidh mi bogsa riut air
deich notaichean I’ll sell [to] you a box for
ten pounds
bha lusan aca ri an reic they
had plants for sale / to sell (lit. to their sell-
bha an taigh ga reic the house was
being sold
reic nm & vn of reic selling etc., sale
reic-tairgse nf auction
reiceadair, -ean nm seller, vendor
reicte pp sold
shuidh e air cathair air
a bha comharradh ’s am facal ‘reicte’
sgrìobhte oirre he sat down on a chair on
which there was a notice with the word
‘sold’ written on it
rèidear, -eir nm radar
gen sing of riadh interest (fin.)
rèidh, -e a 1. even, flat, level, plain, smooth
bha am bùrn cho rèidh ri sgàthan the
water was as smooth as a mirror
gu rèidh
readily, smoothly
chaidh cùisean gu
rèidh things went smoothly
dèan rèidh
flatten, make flat, level, smoothe v 2.
(⫹ ri) at peace (with), reconciled (with)
ciamar is urrainn dhuinn a bhith rèidh ri
Dia mura bi sinn rèidh ri chèile? how can
we be at peace with God if we are not at
peace with ourselves?
rèidhe nf evenness, flatness
rèidhe-inntinn nf equanimity
rèidhlean, -ein, -an nm any clear, flat, open
space, clearing, green (grass), lawn
gaoth a’sguabadh thairis air an rèidhlean
a wind was sweeping across the open
thog iad taigh ann an rèidhlean
a ghearradh às a’ choille they built
a house in a clearing which was hewn
from the forest
rèididheachd nf radiation
os-bhiolait ultraviolet radiation
rèididheachd-bheò nf radioactivity
rèididheatar, -air, -an nm radiator
rèidi-eòlas nm radiology
rèidio, -othan nm radio, wireless
robh ach ceithir rèidiothan air an eilean
there were only four radios on the island
teilefon rèidio radio telephone
rèidio-bheò a radio-active
rèidio-bheò radio-active waste
rèidiografaidh nm radiography
reidistear, -eir, -an nm register
anns na
reidistearan airson Breith, Bàis is Pòsaidh
in the registers of Birth, Death and
reidistear an airgid the /
a cash register
481 reidistear