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Figure 15—Maturity Attribute Table
Awareness and Policies, Plans Tools and Skills and Responsibility and Goal Setting
Communication and Procedures Automation Expertise Accountability and Measurement
1 Recognition of the need for There are ad hoc approaches to Some tools may exist; Skills required for the There is no definition of Goals are not clear and no
the process is emerging. processes and practices. usage is based on process are not identified. accountability and measurement takes place.
standard desktop tools. responsibility. People take
There is sporadic The process and policies A training plan does not ownership of issues based
communication of the are undefined. There is no planned exist and no formal training on their own initiative on a
issues. approach to the tool usage. occurs. reactive basis.
2 There is awareness of the Similar and common Common approaches to Minimum skill requirements An individual assumes Some goal setting occurs;
need to act. processes emerge, but are use of tools exist but are are identified for critical his/her responsibility and is some financial measures are
largely intuitive because of based on solutions areas. usually held accountable, established but are known only
Management communicates individual expertise. developed by key even if this is not formally by senior management. There
the overall issues. individuals. Training is provided in agreed. There is confusion is inconsistent monitoring in
Some aspects of the process response to needs, rather about responsibility when isolated areas.
are repeatable because of Vendor tools may have than on the basis of an problems occur, and a
individual expertise, and some been acquired, but are agreed plan, and informal culture of blame tends
documentation and informal probably not applied training on the job occurs. to exist.
understanding of policy and correctly, and may even
procedures may exist. be shelfware.
3 There is understanding Usage of good practices A plan has been defined Skill requirements are defined Process responsibility and Some effectiveness goals and
of the need to act. emerges. for use and standardisation and documented for all areas. accountability are defined measures are set, but are not
of tools to automate the and process owners have communicated, and there is a
Management is more formal The process, policies and process. A formal training plan has been identified. The process clear link to business goals.
and structured in its procedures are defined and been developed, but formal owner is unlikely to have Measurement processes
communication. documented for all key Tools are being used for training is still based on the full authority to exercise emerge, but are not consistently
activities. their basic purposes, but individual initiatives. the responsibilities. applied. IT balanced scorecard
may not all be in ideas are being adopted, as is
accordance with the agreed occasional intuitive application
plan, and may not be of root cause analysis.
integrated with one another.
4 There is understanding The process is sound and Tools are implemented Skill requirements are Process responsibility and Efficiency and effectiveness
of the full requirements. complete; internal best according to a routinely updated for all areas, accountability are accepted are measured and
practices are applied. standardised plan, and proficiency is ensured and working in a way that communicated and linked to
Mature communication some have been for all critical areas, and enables a process owner business goals and the IT
techniques are applied and All aspects of the process integrated with other certification is encouraged. to fully discharge his/her strategic plan. The IT balanced
standard communication are documented and related tools. responsibilities. A reward scorecard is implemented
tools are in use. repeatable. Policies have Mature training techniques culture is in place that in some areas with exceptions
been approved and signed off on Tools are being used in are applied according to the motivates positive action. noted by management and root
by management. Standards main areas to automate training plan, and knowledge cause analysis is being
for developing and management of the sharing is encouraged. All standardised. Continuous
maintaining the processes process and monitor internal domain experts are improvement is emerging.
and procedures are adopted critical activities and involved, and the effectiveness
and followed. controls. of the training plan is assessed.
5 There is advanced, External best practices and Standardised tool sets are The organisation formally Process owners are There is an integrated
forward-looking standards are applied. used across the enterprise. encourages continuous empowered to make performance measurement
understanding of improvement of skills, based decisions and take action. system linking IT performance
requirements. Process documentation is Tools are fully integrated on clearly defined personal The acceptance of to business goals by global
evolved to automated with other related tools to and organisational goals. responsibility has been application of the IT balanced
Proactive communication workflows. Processes, enable end-to-end cascaded down throughout scorecard. Exceptions are
of issues based on trends policies and procedures are support of the processes. Training and education the organisation in a globally and consistently noted
exists, mature communication standardised and integrated support external best practices consistent fashion. by management and root
techniques are applied, and to enable end-to-end Tools are being used to and use of leading-edge cause analysis is applied.
integrated communication management and support improvement of the concepts and techniques. Continuous improvement is
tools are in use. improvement. process and automatically Knowledge sharing is an enterprise a way of life.
detect control exceptions. culture, and knowledge-based
systems are being deployed.
External experts and industry
leaders are used for guidance.