Management accounting, defi nition, 7–8
Management information system (MIS), 4
Manufacturing accounts, 413
accounting system for manufacturing
organisations, 417–20
costs to include in, 414–16
income statement for manufacturing
organisations, 417
layout of, 416
need of, 413–14
statements of fi nancial position for
manufacturing organisations, 417
Manufacturing organisations:
accounting system for, 417–20
income statement for, 417
statements of fi nancial position for, 417
Margin see Gross profi ts
Market values, 511
Mark-up see Gross profi ts
Matching convention, 332–3
Materiality convention, 333
Membership fees, 374–5
Memorandum accounts, 290
Middle management, 6
MIS see Management information system
Missing fi gures, calculations, 364–72
Mixed supplies, sales tax, 102, 107
Mock assessments, 683–705, 709–30
Monetary items, 337
Money measurement convention, 330–1
Motor cars, sales tax, 106
Negative working capital, 24
Net assets, 102, 373, 509
turnover, 511
Net cash fl ow from operating activities, 452
Net current assets, 24, 510, 513
Net losses, 77
Net pay, 107–8
Net profi ts:
income statement, 25, 77, 79, 193
margin, 507
ratios, 507
Net realisable value (NRV), 249, 338
Nominal ledger, 42, 50, 232
Non-current assets:
accounting for, 143–57
acquisitions, 150
capital and revenue expenditure, 143–5
carriage costs, 99–100
controlling tangible, 154–5
defi nition, 22
depreciation, 30, 145–6, 150
disposals, 150–2
exchange of goods, 121
intangible, 154–7
register, 154
sales tax, 106
turnover, 511
useful economic life, 145
valuation, 336
Non-profi t-making bodies, 9, 363, 373–81
NRV see Net realisable value (NRV)
Objectivity convention, 331
Omission errors, trial balance, 70
Opening capital, incomplete records, 366
Operating activities, net cash fl ow from,
Operational management, use of accounts, 6
Ordinary shares, 434
Organisations, types of, 8–9
Organising bookkeeping system, 231
books and records, supporting, 232–3
cash books, 241–6
inventory records and methods of inventory
measurement, 249–56
journal, 246–9
ledger accounts, 232
sales, purchases and returns daybooks,
Original entry errors, trial balance, 71
Output sales tax, 102
Overtime, ledger accounts, 107–8
business entity convention, 330
defi nition, 9
separate entity convention, 18
Par value, 435
Patents, 18, 155, 339
Payables, 18, 19
Pension contributions, 110
Performance ratios see Profi tability ratios
Periodicity convention, 332
Petty cash books, 233, 254–6
Petty cash fraud, 281
Preference shares, 434, 437
Preparing for the examination, 555–7
Prepayments, 110–13