A budget manual is a collection of documents which contains key information for those
involved in the planning process. Typical contents could include the following:
(a) An introductory explanation of the budgetary planning and control process including
a statement of the budgetary objective and desired results.
Participants should be made aware of the advantages to them and to the organisa-
tion of an effi cient planning and control process. This introduction should give par-
ticipants an understanding of the workings of the planning process, and of the sort of
information that they can expect to receive as part of the control process.
(b) A form of organisation chart to show who is responsible for the preparation of each
functional budget and the way in which the budgets are interrelated.
(c) A timetable for the preparation of each budget. This will prevent the formation of a
‘ bottleneck ’ , with the late preparation of one budget holding up the preparation of all others.
(d) Copies of all forms to be completed by those responsible for preparing budgets, with
explanations concerning their completion.
(e) A list of the organisation’s account codes, with full explanations of how to use them.
(f) Information concerning key assumptions to be made by managers in their budgets, for
example, the rate of infl ation, key exchange rates, etc.
(g) The name and location of the person to be contacted concerning any problems
encountered in preparing budgetary plans. This will usually be the coordinator of the
budget committee (the budget offi cer) and will probably be a senior accountant.
11.3.4 Early identification of the principal budget factor
The principal budget (key budget) factor is the factor which limits the activities of the
organisation. The early identifi cation of this factor is important in the budgetary planning
process because it indicates which budget should be prepared fi rst.
The principal budget factor was referred to in Chapter 4 as the limiting factor.
For example, if sales volume is the principal budget factor, then the sales budget must
be prepared fi rst, based on the available sales forecasts. All other budgets should then be
linked to this.
Alternatively machine capacity may be limited for the forthcoming period and therefore
machine capacity is the principal budget factor. In this case, the production budget must
be prepared fi rst and all other budgets must be linked to this.
Failure to identify the principal budget factor at an early stage could lead to delays at
a later stage when managers realise that the targets they have been working with are not
11.3.5 The interrelationship of budgets
The critical importance of the principal budget factor stems from the fact that all budgets
are interrelated. For example, if sales is the principal budget factor this is the fi rst budget
to be prepared. This will then provide the basis for the preparation of several other
budgets including the selling expenses budget and the production budget.
However, the production budget cannot be prepared directly from the sales budget
without a consideration of inventory policy. For example, management may plan to
increase fi nished goods inventory in anticipation of a sales drive. Production quantities
would then have to be higher than the budgeted sales level. Similarly, if a decision is taken