3: An introduction to final accounts ⏐ Part A Conceptual and regulatory framework
By convention 'non-current' means more than one year. In UK limited liability company accounts, the CA 2006 requires
use of the term:
'Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year', but IFRSs use 'non-current liabilities'.
Examples of non-current liabilities
(a) Loans which are not repayable for more than one year, such as a bank loan or a loan from an individual.
(b) A mortgage loan, which is secured against a property. The lender then has
'first claim' on the property
and can force its sale if the business fails to repay the loan.
(c) Loan notes, which are securities issued by a limited liability company at a fixed rate of interest. They are
repayable on agreed terms by a specified date in the future. The holders' interests, including security for
the loan, are protected by the terms of a trust deed.
1.6 Assets
Assets are what the business owns. They can be non-current assets or current assets.
Assets in the statement of financial position are divided into two groups.
(a) Non-current assets
• Tangible non-current assets (usually known as 'property, plant and equipment')
• Intangible non-current assets
• Investments (long term)
(b) Current assets
1.7 Non-current assets
A non-current asset is an asset acquired for continuing use within the business, with a view to earning income or
making profits from its use, either directly or indirectly.
A non-current asset is not acquired for sale to a customer.
(a) In manufacturing, a production machine is a non-current asset as it makes goods for sale.
(b) In a service industry, equipment used by employees giving service to customers is a non-current asset (eg
the equipment used in a garage, furniture in a hotel).
(c) Factory premises, office furniture, computer equipment, company cars, delivery vans or pallets in a
warehouse are all non-current assets.
In addition the asset must have a
'life' in use of more than one year (strictly, more than one 'accounting period' which
might be less than one year).
A tangible non-current asset is a physical asset, ie one that can be touched. It has a real,
'solid' existence.
All the examples mentioned above are tangible non-current assets.
An intangible non-current asset is an asset which does not have a physical existence. It cannot be
Examples of 'intangible non-current assets' are goodwill and research and development costs. Goodwill arises when a
business a business is sold. It represents the excess of the purchase price paid over the fair value of the net assets.
Research and development costs (R&D) are incurred in developing new products, for example. If R&D costs meet
Key term
Key term
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