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The aim of the plant is to set seed and
reproduce: to achieve this it makes flowers and
diverts most of its resources to develop a
seedhead. To encourage more flowers you
need to remove faded blooms before they have
a chance to form seed. This is especially
important for annuals which can stop flowering
altogether and even die if you don’t deadhead
regularly. But perennials, including so-called
patio plants, can also be encouraged to flower
for much longer if they are deadheaded.
Removing old, blemished heads also improves
the appearance of plants and reduces the risk
of disease.
Environmentally conscious gardeners and people living in drought-
prone areas are increasingly aware of the need to save water.
Containers, together with some types of vegetable crops and bedding
plants, may need regular summer irrigation. Shrubs, trees, and
perennials need watering only at planting time and during dry spells
in the first year or two, or until they are well established. No matter
how brown the grass may turn, established lawns never actually
need watering and will eventually recover from drought.
If you need to water, do so in the cool of the morning or evening
to minimize evaporation, and water close to the soil rather than
overhead, targeting specific plants. Mulches, such as bark and spent
mushroom compost, help seal in moisture and reduce competition
from weeds. It is better to water heavily, with extended intervals
between (allowing moisture to penetrate well into the soil and
encourage deep rooting) than to water lightly but more frequently.
Aftercare and maintenance
Making a garden is a process that doesn’t end when the
construction and planting stages are complete. Even in
low-maintenance plots, gardens only thrive when the plants
are tended and the soil replenished. Some jobs are regular
weekly tasks, but many others are only annual or twice yearly.
With shallow-rooting plants like this box, frequent watering can wear
away the protective coating of compost. Reduce the problem by directing
water on to a large crock or tile so that flow is gently dissipated.
Although watering can be an enjoyable task,
if you are pressed for time or have a large
plot, some shortcuts are welcome. Automatic
irrigation can be very efficient and, if
properly managed, help to save water. It also
A perforated garden hose (leaky
hose) connected to an outdoor
faucet or water barrel will channel
water directly to where it is
needed; through a newly planted
border, for example.
If you are often away from the
garden for more than a couple of
days or are too busy to water all
your patio containers regularly,
consider installing an automatic
irrigation system with a timer.
Raised up high enough so you can
fit a watering can under the tap,
water barrels are a convenient
way to reduce dependence on the
main water supply. Consider fitting
extension kits to increase capacity.
makes sense to collect rainwater at sites
around the garden and to make use of
recycled or “gray” water, eg, from the bath or
dish water (but only if no strong or heavily
perfumed products have been used).
Deadheading promotes new flower growth
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