Selected Topics in DNA Repair
De Bont, R., & van Larebeke, N. (2004). "Endogenous DNA damage in humans: a review of
quantitative data." Mutagenesis, 19(3), 169-185.
de Visser, S. P. (2006). "Propene activation by the oxo-iron active species of taurine/alpha-
ketoglutarate dioxygenase (TauD) enzyme. How does the catalysis compare to
heme-enzymes?" J. Am. Chem. Soc., 128(30), 9813-9824.
de Visser, S. P., Kumar, D., Cohen, S., Shacham, R., & Shaik, S. (2004). "A predictive pattern
of computed barriers for C-H hydroxylation by compound I of cytochrome P450." J.
Am. Chem. Soc., 126(27), 8362-8363.
Decarroz, C., Wagner, J. R., & Cadet, J. (1987). Free Radical Res. Commun.(2), 295-301.
Decarroz, C., Wagner, J. R., Vanlier, J. E., Krishna, C. M., Riesz, P., & Cadet, J. (1986).
"Sensitized photooxidation of thymidine by 2-methyl-1-1,4-naphthoquinone -
characterization of the stable photoproducts." Int. J. Radiat. Biol., 50(3), 491-505.
Delaney, J. C., Smeester, L., Wong, C. Y., Frick, L. E., Taghizadeh, K., Wishnok, J. S.,
Drennan, C. L., Samson, L. D., & Essigmann, J. M. (2005). "AlkB reverses etheno
DNA lesions caused by lipid oxidation in vitro and in vivo." Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol.,
12(10), 855-860.
Dobbs, A. J., Gilbert, B. C., & Norman, R. O. C. (1971). "Electron spin resonance studies .27.
geometry of oxygen-substituted alkyl radicals." J. Chem. Soc. A(1), 124-&.
Dobbs, A. J., Gilbert, B. C., & Norman, R. O. C. (1972). "Electron-spin resonance studies .32.
information from hyperfine splittings for aliphatic radicals about shape and
conformation." J. Chem. Soc.-Perkin Trans. 2(6), 786-&.
Douki, T., & Cadet, J. (1999). "Modification of DNA bases by photosensitized one-electron
oxidation." Int. J. Radiat. Biol., 75(5), 571-581.
Duncan, T., Trewick, S. C., Koivisto, P., Bates, P. A., Lindahl, T., & Sedgwick, B. (2002).
"Reversal of DNA alkylation damage by two human dioxygenases." Proc. Natl.
Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 99(26), 16660-16665.
Eley, D. D., & Spivey, D. I. (1962). "Semiconductivity of organic substances .9. Nucleic acid
in dry state." Trans. Faraday Soc., 58, 411.
Eriksson, L. A., Malkin, V. G., Malkina, O. L., & Salahub, D. R. (1994). "The effects of
nonlocal gradient corrections in density-functional calculations of hydrocarbon
radical hyperfine structures." Int. J. Quantum Chem., 52(4), 879-901.
Falnes, P. O., Johansen, R. F., & Seeberg, E. (2002). "AlkB-mediated oxidative demethylation
reverses DNA damage in Escherichia coli." Nature, 419(6903), 178-182.
Friedberg, E. C., McDaniel, L. D., & Schultz, R. A. (2004). "The role of endogenous and
exogenous DNA damage and mutagenesis." Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev., 14(1), 5-10.
Hagen, U. (1986). "Current aspects on the radiation-induced base damage in dna." Radiat.
Environ. Biophys., 25(4), 261-271.
Hatahet, A., & Wallace, Z.Z. (1998). DNA Damage and Repair, DNA Repair in Prokaryotes
and Lower Eukaryotes, J. A. Nickoloff, Hoekstra, M.F., ed., Humana Press, New
Hecht, S. S. (1999). "DNA adduct formation from tobacco-specific N-nitrosamines." Mutat.
Res.-Fundam. Mol. Mech. Mutagen., 424(1-2), 127-142.
Hush, N. S., & Cheung, A. S. (1975). "Ionization-potentials and donor properties of nucleic-
acid bases and related compounds." Chem. Phys. Lett., 34(1), 11-13.