electricity generation to match consumer demand. It thus generates much more power
during times when seasonal river flows are high (i.e, spring freshet), and much less
during drier summer months.
Environmental Impacts
While small, well-sited run-of-river projects can be developed with minimal
environmental impacts, many modern run-of-river projects are larger, with much more
significant environmental concerns. For example, Plutonic Power Corp.’s Bute Inlet
Hydroelectric Project in BC will see three clusters of run-of-river projects with 17 river
diversions; as proposed, this run-of-river project will divert over 90 kilometres of streams
and rivers into tunnels and pipelines, requiring 443 km of new transmission line, 267 km
of permanent roads, and 142 bridges, to be built in wilderness areas.
British Columbia’s mountainous terrain and wealth of big rivers have made it a global
testing ground for run-of-river technology. As of March 2010, there were 628
applications pending for new water licences solely for the purposes of power generation –
representing more than 750 potential points of river diversion.
Many of the impacts of this technology are still not understood or well-considered,
including the following:
• Diverting large amounts of river water reduce river flows affecting water velocity
and depth, minimizing habitat quality for fish and aquatic organisms; reduced
flows can lead to excessively warm water for salmon and other fish in summer.
As planned, the Bute Inlet project in BC could divert 95 percent of the mean
annual flow in at least three of the rivers).
• New access roads and transmission lines can cause extensive habitat
fragmentation for many species, making inevitable the introduction of invasive
species and increases in undesirable human activities, like illegal hunting.
• Cumulative impacts – the sum of impacts caused not only by the project, but by
roads, transmission lines and all other nearby developments – are difficult to
measure. Cumulative impacts are an especially important consideration in areas
where projects are clustered in high densities close to sources of electricity
demand: for example, of the 628 pending water license applications for
hydropower development in British Columbia, roughly one third are located in the
south-western quarter of the province, where human population density and
associated environmental impacts are highest.
• Water licenses – which are issued by the BC Ministry of Environment enabling
developers to legally divert rivers – have not included clauses that specify
changing water entitlements in response to altered conditions; this means that
conflicts will arise over the water needed to both sustain aquatic life and generate
power when river flow becomes more variable or decreases in the future.