momentum, 14, 17, 146
polygonal lattice, 187, 190
contractible, 221
cosmic strings, 5, 214
cosmological constant, 3, 8, 69-70,140,
negative, 29, 45, 69-70, 74-6, 80-
105-6, 118, 165, 167, 210
positive, 29, 70, 76-7, 178, 181
cotangent bundle, 247
Cotton tensor, 7
covariant derivative, 244
commutator, 245
covariant phase space, 100-2
covering space, 222-3
universal, 223
curvature scalar, 245
curvature tensor, 3, 245, 246
of a bundle, 248
cusp forms, 92
de Sitter space, 70
deck transformation, 225
deficit angle, 42, 172, 184, 188, 207
as conjugate to horizon size, 208
Lorentzian, 173
degrees of freedom
and boundaries, 32
and geometric structures, 68
lattice, 184
local, 4, 213
reduced phase space, 17, 20
'would-be gauge', 32, 209
Dehn twist, 53, 67, 218, 231
primed, 149
Weyl rescaling, 151
developing map, see geometric struc-
developing map
diffeomorphisms, 218
and gauge transformations, 27, 37
and topological field theory, 159
asymptotic, 24
generators of, 21-2
large, 27, 53, 218
and sewing, 162
large, see mapping class group
dilaton gravity, 6
Dirac equation, 110
direction field, 236
domain of dependence, 18, 67, 241
double (of a manifold), 165
dreibein, see triad
dynamical triangulation, 191-3
Eisenstein series, 92, 93
Bekenstein-Hawking, 195
black hole, 195-6, 202, 210
in simplicial sum, 192
in sum over topologies, 168
equitopy, 125
ergodic, 193
Euler number, 10, 184, 190, 192, 227-8
of a surface, 11, 234
evolving constants of motion, 108, 114,
exterior derivative
gauge-covariant, 154, 246
extrinsic curvature, 13, 164, 166
extrinsic time, 18
Faddeev-Popov determinant, 133-4,
145-7, 151, 154, 168, 192
and zero-modes, 149, 156-7
in Regge calculus, 173
fiber bundle, 246-9
base space, 247
connection on, 28, 77-8, 248
fiber, 247
section, 248
structure group, 247
total space, 247
field equations, 3
Chern-Simons, 28
first-order, 26
first law of thermodynamics, 202
first-order formalism, 25-9
frame, 25, 246
frame bundle, 247
free (group action), 62, 224
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