16. Douglas to Secretary of State, Apr. 17, 1948, box 11; and Keyes to JCS, May 7, 1948,
box 10, JCS Geographic Files 1948–50, RG 218, NARA; Cheetham to Marjoribanks, Apr. 29,
1948, Exercise Constable, FO1020/3458, PRO; Counselor, His Majesty’s Legation, to Deputy
Commissioner, Subject: Austrian Army, Exercise Constable, Apr. 28, 1948, FO1020/3458,
17. Stifter, Wiederaufrüstung Österreichs, 78–90.
18. Hqs., USFA, Subject: Interview between General Balmer and General Deutsch, Apr. 21,
1948, Future Austrian Army, FO1020/3461, PRO; Minutes, June 29, 1948, Exercise Consta-
ble, FO1020/3458, PRO.
19. Subject: Organization of the Austrian Army, June 18, 1948, box 107, RG 263, NARA.
20. COMGENUSFA to DA, message P 3575, July 9, 1949, box 11, Joint Chiefs of Staff Ge-
ographic Files 1948–50, RG 218, NARA; Cheetham to Marjoribanks, Aug. 18, 1948; and
Winterton to Kirtpatrick, Feb. 27, 1949, Exercise Constable, FO1020/3458, PRO; Allied
Commission for Austria (British Element), Subject: Austrian Security Forces, May 3, 1949; and
Deutsch to Winterton, Nov. 24, 1948, Future Austrian Army, FO1020/3461, PRO; memoran-
dum for Deputy High Commissioner, Subject: Special Gendarmerie Regiment (Precis of cor-
respondence and Action to date), May 31, 1949, Exercise Constable, FO1020/3458, PRO;
American Legation, Subject: Organization of the Austrian Army, June 18, 1948, box 187; and
ibid., Subject: The Security of Austria, July 9, 1948, box 188, RG 263, NARA.
21. FRUS, 1949, 3:415.
22. Keyes to JCS, Sept. 14, 1948; Keyes to DA, Sept. 25, 1948; and Keyes to JCS, Nov. 16,
1948, box 10, JCS Geographic Files, 1948–50, RG 218, NARA.
23. Keyes to DA, Aug. 5, 1948; Keyes to JCS, Sept. 13, 1948; and Keyes to JCS, Apr. 22,
1948, box 10, JCS Geographic Files 1948–50, RG 218, NARA; Stifter, Wiederaufrüstung
Österreichs, 100.
24. Keyes to DA, July 9, 1949, box 11, JCS Geographic Files 1948–50, RG 218, NARA.
25. “Quarterly Military Survey,” Feb. 20, 1949, box 10, ibid., 12. Figl believed that it would
take twelve years to build the army up to its authorized strength under the treaty. This was a
far more conservative estimate than that offered by Keyes, who believed that the fifty-three-
thousand-man ceiling could be reached within a year. The proposed locations for the Austrian
units were Tirol-Vorarlberg-Salzburg (headquarters, Innsbruck), Upper Austria (headquarters,
Linz), Carinthia (headquarters, Klagenfurt), Styria (headquarters, Graf); Lower Austria (head-
quarters, Saint Poelten) and Vienna/Burgenland (headquarters, Vienna).
26. Foreign Office, Vienna, to Foreign Office, Mar. 25, 1949; and Keyes to Galloway,
Mar. 10, 1949, Exercise Constable, FO1020/3458, PRO; Outgoing Foreign Office Telegram,
Apr. 2, 1950; and “Program for Developing Austrian Army,” Future Austrian Army,
FO1020/3462, PRO; FRUS, 1951, pt. 2, 4:1047; Erhardt to State Department, Mar. 24, 1949;
Acheson to Erhardt, Mar. 18, 1949; and London to State Department, Aug. 5, 1949, Arthur
Compton Files, box 12, Records of the Office of Western European Affairs, 1941–54, Austria,
RG 59, NARA.
27. Keyes to DA, June 29, 1949, box 11, JCS Geographic Files 1948–50, RG 218, NARA;
memorandum for Ohly, Subject: MAP Planning to Cope with the Austrian Problem, box 53,
RG 330, NARA; Joint Strategic Plans Committee, “Future Course of Military Action with Re-
spect to Austria—Military Aid,” Oct. 26, 1949; and London to Secretary of State, Aug. 5, 1949,
box 11, JCS Geographic Files 1948–50, RG 218, NARA; Winterton to Commander in Chief,
message, Subject: Special gendarmerie regiment, 271600 (June, 1947), Exercise Constable,
FO1020/3458, PRO.
28. Deputy Commissioner to Commander in Chief, June 27, 1949, Exercise Constable,
FO1020/3458, PRO.
29. Galloway to Mallet, June 1, 1949, Exercise Constable, FO1020/3458, PRO. See also
MIL/1066/G, Military Division, May 23, 1949, ibid.
30. Lyman L. Lemnitzer Oral History, MHI, 10–11.
31. Quoted in Phil Williams, The Senate and U.S. Troops in Europe, 28.
notes to pages 179–84 221