loCal Rule
Since the Achaemenids, the size of the satrapies and the power of the
satraps had shrunk. Most satraps were local officials and not members
of the royal family. The position lost the prestige it once had, and the
local rulers wanted to become kings and start their own dynasties.
The central Parthian government accepted this, as long as the kings
continued to pay taxes and pledge their loyalty to the Great King. Some
in 1932, a block of gray marble that was
once the base of a statue was uncovered
archaeologists at susa. in the inscription
on the marble, artabanus ii overrules
constitutional term limits for elected officials
susa and confirms the re-election of the
city treasurer. the years artabanus mentions
refer to the calendar used during the parthian
era. the block is now on display in the
Louvre museum in paris.
[Since Hestiaeus the son of Asius], one of
your citizens and a member of the order of
“the first and chief-honored friends” and
of “the bodyguards,” conducted himself in
the office of treasurer . . . most honorably
and justly and with all incorruptibility,
shrinking from [no expense] of his own
when the outlay was for the good of the
city; twice during his term of office when
the city [had] need of an envoy [he made
the journey] himself, thinking the care
of his own property unimportant but the
city’s affairs more urgent, and sparing
neither money nor trouble he devoted
[himself without reserve] to the two
embassies, and having managed them
to the city’s advantage he received the
appropriate honors, as the decree voted
[by the city] in the year 330 testifies.
Since in the year 331 when need arose of
a good [man he was again nominated] for
the same office for the year 332, and after
a long examination . . . he came forward
and deposed that he was debarred by
the constitution from filling the same
office a second time before the lapse
of three years; since the city, [knowing
from experience] his good character
and remembering his administration of
the same office, decided to choose him
treasurer, and so he was elected [for the]
year 332. . . .
On the above grounds, we decide that his
election was valid and that he is not to
be prosecuted for having filled the same
office twice without allowing an interval
of three years to elapse, nor on the basis
of any other royal order dealing with the
subject whatsoever. . . .
rce: “Letter from artabanus ii to susa.”
parthia.com. available online. UrL: http://
essed July 2, 2008.)
A Letter to Susa
In TheIr Own wOrds
p o l i t i c s a n d s o c i e t y i n t h e p e r s i a n E m p i r e s