Index 363
16mm film format, 155–156, 315–317 Super 35 format, 154–155, 315–317
Superwhite, 24365mm film format, 157, 315–317
Smear operator, 295 Swapfields, 297
Smith, Alvy Ray, 67
Softimage file format (.pic), 306 Takes, 277
TARGA file format (.tga), 306Software manufacturers, list of,
301–302 Telecine device, 22
Temporal artifacts, 95–96Software packages
accuracy, 178–180 Temporal resolution, 94–95
Text, 298keying, 85–86
Sound stripe, 153, 154, 314 35mm film format, 153–154
3D elements, working with, 253–255Spatial convolution, 46–47
Spatial filters, 293–294 3D graphics, use of term, 1–2
3D transforms, 56–58blurring, 47–49
convolve/spatial convolution, 46–47 3:2 pulldown, 170, 298
3:2 pullup, 171, 298dilate operator, 91, 293
edge detection, 47–48 TIFF file format (.tif, .tiff), 306
Tiffen, 213–214emboss operator, 293
erode operator, 91, 294 Time compress/expand, 298
Timelines, 124–126median filter, 51–52
sharpen operator, 50–51 Timing of a sequence, changing the,
96–99, 297–298unsharp masking, 50
use of term, 46 Titanic, 116, 288–290
Toy Story,2Spatial resolution, 17–18, 23
Specialized tools, 297 Tracking, 298–299
choosing a feature for, 107–109Speed, 14, 232, 271–273
Spill suppression, 84, 86, 236–237 defined, 103–104
an element into a plate, 104–107Splines, 58, 80, 128
Split-screen effect, 213 limiting the search area, 109
manually, 109–110Squeezed formats, 146
Stabilization, 299 multiple points, 113–114
region of interest, 105–106Stabilizing a plate, 111–113
Stand-ins, 209–211 search area, 106, 109
stabilizing a plate, 111–113Star Trek: Insurrection, 273–274
Static matte, 79, 80 Transformation. See Geometric trans-
formationStatistics on images, 136–139
Stereoscopic effects, 199, 282 Traveling matte, 80
T-Rex: Back to the Cretaceous, 281–285Stop-motion, 6, 269–270
Subpixel accuracy, 62, 298 Trees, hierarchical
compressed, 123–124Subtract operator, 71–72, 296
Sun bitmap file format (.sun), 306 use of, 122–123