Interface Interactions 119
some dedicated hardware that was capable of applying a limited set of operations
to an image sequence, creating a new sequence with each step. If the compositor
needed to apply several operations, each one would be done as a discrete step,
producing a modified sequence that would then have the next operator applied
to it. These days, pure on-line systems tend to exist only in the video world,
where dedicated hardware is used to rapidly process the imagery in question.
Such systems are fast, but lack a great deal of functionality and flexibility.
More general-purpose compositing systems are now available that combine
functionality from both paradigms. This evolution is not surprising, since ulti-
mately the actual operations that are applied are no different between the two
systems. It is the way in which the compositing artist interacts with the software
that is different. Even today, different systems will tend to enforce different work-
flows. The most important distinction is whether or not the system is designed
primarily to create a compositing script or to iteratively produce new image
sequences with every step. This distinction is an important one, and consequently
it is still useful to categorize compositing systems as either on-line or batch. Let’s
look at the typical workflow for each category in a bit more detail.
On-line systems tend to work in the following fashion. First, a sequence of
images—or several different sequences—is brought into the system. The sequences
are imported, either from videotape or from the general file system of a computer,
into a specialized disk that allows for much quicker access to the images. The
system is capable of viewing these sequences (often called clips) interactively,
displaying them at the proper frame rate as needed.
The user then decides on the first compositing effect that is necessary (a color
correction, for instance) and applies it to the image sequence in question. The clip
is then processed frame by frame (but usually fairly quickly) with this effect,
producing a new image sequence. The compositor then uses this clip as the source
for the next operation (combining it with a different clip, perhaps), and yet another
clip is generated. The process continues, with a new sequence of images produced
at each step, until the final composite is complete. The intermediate image se-
quences are not destroyed at every step, but rather remain available should the
need arise to redo any of the earlier steps in the process. These clips can, at some
point, start to take up a good deal of disk space and memory, and thus one will
often need to dispose of sequences that are less likely to be needed again. This
will be a judgement call, and disposing of a particular sequence may require the
user to manually redo a number of steps if that sequence later proves to be
Batch systems take a different tack. Although one still works by manipulating
and combining elements, there is no explicit processing of these operators to
produce a new sequence at each step. Instead, one is working to produce a
specialized script that, once perfected, can be run as a batch process. Each operator