It should be emphasized, like an indisputable confirmation of the independent
work of Hestenes, that a geometrical interpretation of the Dirac W had been
implicitly given, probably during the years 1930, by Arnold Sommerfeld in a
calculation related to hydrogenic atoms, and more generally and explicitly by
Georges Lochak in 1956. In these works W is expressed by means of Dirac
matrices, these last ones being implicitly identified with the vectors of the galilean
frame in which the Dirac equation of the electron is written.
But the use of a tool, the Clifford algebra Clð1; 3Þ associated with the space
M ¼R
, introduced by D. Hestenes, brings considerable simplifications. Pages
of calculations giving tensorial equations deduced from the complex language may
be replaced by few lines. Furthermore ambiguities associated with the use of the
imaginary number i ¼
are eliminated. The striking point lies in the fact that
the ‘‘number i’’ which lies in the Dirac theory of the electron is a bivector of the
Minkowski space–time M, a real object, which allows to define, after the above
Lorentz rotation and the multiplication by hc=2, the proper angular momentum, or
spin, of the electron.
In the same aim, to avoid the ambiguousness of the complex Quantum Field
Theory, due to the unseasonable association ih of h and i in the expression of the
electromagnetic potentials ‘‘in quite analogy with the ordinary quantum theory’’
(in fact the Dirac theory of the electron), we give a presentation of quantum
electrodynamics entirely real. It is only based on the use of the Grassmann algebra
of M and the inner product in M.
The more the theories of the particles become complicated, the more the links
which can unify these theories in an identical vision of the laws of Nature have to
be made explicit. When these laws are placed in the frame of the Minkowski
space–time, the complete translation of these theories in the geometry of space–
time appears as a necessity. Such is the reason for the writing of the present
However, if this book contains a critique, sometimes severe, of the language
based on the use of the complex matrices, spinors and Lie rings, this critique does
not concern in any way the authors of works obtained by means of this language,
which remain the foundations of Quantum Mechanics. The more this language is
abstract with respect to the reality of the laws of Nature, the more these works
appear to be admirable.
Bassan, February 2011 Roger Boudet
vi Preface