top opposition (scoring a respectable 2lh
out of 4). Keene then dubbed it 'the Seira-
wan Attack'. which is disrespective of
chess history but sounds nice. Other nota-
ble 3.~g5 adherents include Kholmov,
Meister. R. Sherbakov and Kortchnoi.
Leaving history aside, we will now turn to
the moves.
3. ...
This is clearly the main line. Black either
acquires the bishop pair or, by inserting
3...h6 4..Q.h4, increases his possibilities.
However. let's examine a few alternatives
A) 3...d5 is a solid move; after either
4.tLlc3,4.e3 or4.cdS!? the game will most
likely transpose to a Queen's Gambit of
some sort. Respectable as the Queen's
Gambit clearly is. it is hardly a l.d4
player's worst nightmare.
B) 3...liie7. This move is also most li-
kely to transposes into QGD waters after
4.0..c3 d5 - note that after 4...c5 White
should play 5.dc5~ and not 5.d5? tDd5.
C) 3...c5 4.d5 (4.4',0 cd4 5.tiid4 leads
to a line from the Symmetrical English)
4...ed5 (Euwe rightly indicated 4...'ita5
5."d2 'ii'd2
S.cdS h6'!! (this is a
dubious set-up, but the stronger S...'(I!t'b6
6.~f6 (6.'iYd2 now runs into 6...tDe4)
is also slightly better for
White) 6..sih4 '*'b6'!! 7.,*,d2! (more am-
bilious than 7..H6 ti'f6 Nicolai-Romani-
shin. Dortmund 1976) 7...tLle4 8.~f4 f5
9.~f5 'iWb4
IO/Dc) CDd6
12.'tIYe4.and Black's risky strategy has
clearly backfired: White is winning
Kortcbnoi-Kosten, London 1982.
D) 3...~b4 Black's most important al-
ternative to 3...h6. 4JiJc3 now transposes
to the Leningrad Variation of the Nimzo-
Indian. So to give 3..Q.g5 its own arena
White should play
when we are at
a crossroads:
D I) 4...
is unambitious; Black will
at best be able to draw an inferior ending:
5.~d8 .Q.d2 6.~d2
and now
Sosonko's suggestion of 7.~d2 ¢ld8
H.f4! may well be stronger than
ti:}c48.b3 'iJa6 9.i.f4 tLla3 1O.~d2 with
only a small edge, Haberditz-Lengheim,
Vienna 1952.
D2) 4...d5 was recommended by
Euwe. The theory gives 5.e3 cS 6.a3 ~d2
7.'''''d2 cd4 8.ed4 tDc6 9.~f3 0-0 \O.~d3
dc4 11.~c4 ttJe4 Muller-Fischer, Vienna
1952 as equal. This verdict is correct, but
in my opinion White should play 6.dc5!
and have the better chances.
4...h6; now, after 5..Q.h4,we have
transposed to the main line (see below).
However. with (he bishop already on b4,
taking on f6 comes into consideration (as
opposed to 3 h6 4..i.f6 - this also illus-
trates why 3 h6 is Black's best choice,
White's options are more restricted). Let
me give one tame and one wild example of
how play could continue after 5..af6 "'f6:
K~.t. E
iiii ii
II lIi'iV i