On the Complexity of Fullerenes and Nanotubes 5
to the adjacency matrix A in that they can be “counted” by simply raising
A to higher powers. Moreover, although apparently their number increases
without limit with their length, in fact because of the Cayley-Hamilton
theorem [35], which states that matrix A satisfies its own characteristic
polynomial, the number of walks that carry distinct informational content
is finite. On the other hand, the extended connectivity, which is calculated
iteratively by augmenting the valence of vertices by the number of k nearest
neighbors, then next to nearest, etc., in the limit of k →∞where k is the
exponent of the matrix A
, yields to the leading eigenvalue of the adja-
cency matrix [36]. Although the mentioned invariants can be considered as
alternative indices of complexity, some of them have found alternative in-
terpretations. Thus in the case of trees (acyclic graphs) Lovasz and Pelikan
have interpreted the leading eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix as an index
of molecular branching [37]. Hence, are we in this way using branching
indices for measuring complexity and in the case of acyclic graphs equating
branching with complexity?
Apparently the answer may appear trivial, if one accepts that “another
name of branching” is “acyclic complexity” [38]. In other words, one may
ask the following question. “Is for acyclic systems ‘complexity’ identical to
‘branching’?” However, if one is to answer the question, one should have a
valid and generally accepted definition of ‘complexity’ and similarly valid
and generally accepted definitions of ‘branching’. We have neither! Recall
that some authors (e. g. Ruch and Gutman [39]) have in a way challenged
the notion of quantifying branching by arguing that ‘branching’ can only be
defined by partial ordering. This then implies that there are structures which
neither dominate each other nor are dominated by each other with respect
to branching. An implication of this attitude is that, at least in the case of
acyclic graphs, the same holds for complexity! In other words, while for
some structures we can establish “complexity dominance”, there are struc-
tures (acyclic graphs) for which we could not determine their relative
Perhaps we are half-way to resolving all these difficulties because rel-
atively recently an ingenious approach [40-41] (if one can refer thus to
one’s own work) has been suggested for a quantitative characterization of
molecular branching that is devoid of “arbitrary” decisions and choices
(which characterize more or less all “branching indices”, starting with the
suggestion of Lovasz and Pelikan [37] that the leading eigenvalue of the
adjacency matrix of acyclic graphs can be a measure of their branching).