232 Chapter 5
of systems? Up to very recently, there was no clear idea how to define
complexity as a universal property of systems in nature and technology.
The situation changed dramatically after Barab´asi [65] proposed in 1999
to consider the nonrandom dynamic networks as a universal language to
describe complexity and evolution of systems. Life sciences have found in
cellular networks (protein, gene, and metabolic ones) their long searched
tool to describe the work of the biological machine as a whole. It is believed
that the next 10-15 years will be the most important ones in the history of
biology and medicine. The theory of network complexity will play an
important role during this exciting time.
The authors are indebted to Drs. G. R¨ucker and C. R¨ucker (Bayreuth) for the use of their
computer programs SUBGRATCAU and MOR5AU, and to Dr. J. A. Dunne (Santa Fe) for
providing the food webs data. D. Bonchev was supported by NIH grant No. 5-22405.
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