Questions and answers 367
Refinement is of parameters against Y
, where Y
isbased on thecurrentmodel.If the modelis too simple,
cannot be computed to correspond to Y
must be incorrect. The remaining parameters may take
on invalid values. R should decrease as the model has
more degrees of freedom. Bond-length s.u.s are related
to the ‘goodness of fit’, and will decrease if the resid-
ual (Y
− Y
) drops more rapidly than the number of
degrees of freedom, (n−m). Note that, if too many new
parameters are introduced into a refinement, the anal-
ysis becomes ‘under–determined’, and the parameters
may take on unrealistic values. Chemical or physical
restraints may be useful.
24. What is the effect on R and bond-length s.u.s of using
block diagonal refinement?
Bond-length s.u.s depend on atomic variances and
covariances. Block diagonal refinements exclude the
covariances, so that molecular parameter s.u.s are usu-
ally underestimated. Note that, even if the refinement
is correctly performed, geometry programs may leave
out the covariances. Block diagonal refinement is more
prone to falling into false minima.
25. What is the effect on R and bond-length s.u.s of
missing solvent molecules?
As in 23 above, an inappropriate or incomplete model
will adversely affect the remaining parameters. If sol-
vent can be modelled by discrete atoms (i.e. is not
seriously disordered), then that sort of model may be
used. If the disorder is more severe, then multiply dis-
ordered pseudo-atoms may be used to try to model the
diffuse electron density in the disordered region (as in
SHELXL97), or the discrete Fourier transform of the
region may be computed and added to the values of
computed from the atomic model. The important
thing is to add into Y
as much as is reasonable, since
refinement is against Y
− Y
, not just simply Y
26. What are the design matrix and the normal matrix?
The design matrix encodes the relationship between
the unknown parameters and the conditions at which
observations are made. In crystallography it is difficult
to predict in advance which observations will be most
useful, so it is usual to measure all ‘observable’ reflec-
tions. This usually means up to the diffractometer’s θ
limit for Cu radiation, but the operator must generally
choose a limit for Mo radiation. Don’t stop collecting
data just because you ‘have enough’ reflections. You
don’t yet know which will be important. The normal
matrix is a transform of these data, and shortcomings
in the choice of reflections to measure (which may also
include the consequences of the choice of a wrong crys-
tal system, or pseudo-symmetry) become apparent in
processing this matrix.
27. What are some uses in crystallography of the eigen-
values and eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix?
Ellipsoids are common features in crystallography (e.g.
atomic-displacement parameters, formerly known as
anisotropic temperature factors). In their normal form
(arbitrarily orientated and evaluated with respect to a
non-orthogonal co-ordinate system) they are difficult
to visualize. The eigenvalues of the tensor representa-
tion of the ellipsoid are a measure of the principal axes,
and the eigenvectors are a measure of the orientation
of these axes. A rare use (found in some versions of
ORFLS, and in CRYSTALS) is in the inversion of the
normal matrix. More common uses are in the solution
of the equations in DIFABS, and in TLS analysis. Both
of these procedures involve the analysis of systems
in which the user may be unaware of exactly which
variables are important. Matrix inversion involving
selection of eigenvalues often automatically selects the
most appropriate parameters for evaluation.
28. What is the ‘riding’ model in parameter refinement?
‘Riding’ refinement is usually associated with the
refinement of hydrogen atoms. In the crudest imple-
mentations the associated heavy-atom co-ordinate
shifts are computed, and the same shifts applied to the
hydrogen atoms. (Sketch this, and deduce the effect on
bond angles.) In better implementations, the deriva-
tives of the heavy atom and the hydrogen atom are
added together, and composite shifts computed and
applied to the parameters, so that all riding atoms
contribute to the computed shift. However, the con-
cept can be applied to any parameter combinations,
so that it is simple to construct ‘fragment’ anisotropic
displacement parameters, in which all the atoms in a
fragment have the same U
values. Imagine some
other situations, including ones in which the deriva-
tives are inverted in sign before being added into the
normal equations.
29. How can the problem of pseudo-doubled cells be
If, by accident, a cell parameter is taken to be twice
its true value, then on solution of the structure two
motifs will be found lying parallel to that direction,
with co-ordinates differing by exactly
2. Refinement
will be difficult because the ‘independent’ parame-
ters are in fact 100% correlated. The situation should
become clear because of the absence of reflections in the
odd layers perpendicular to that direction. Situations