256 Powder diffraction
used. These are a series of thin metal plates placed in the beam paral-
lel to the plane of Fig. 17.2. For a point detector one must also select a
suitable detector slit. Each of the components in the system will influ-
ence the final peak shape in the diffraction pattern (see below), with
finer Sollers or a smaller detector slit giving a better instrumental res-
olution. Each additional component will, however, lead to a significant
loss in intensity. With a 0.05-mm detector slit one will get only
4 of
the count rate obtainable with a 0.2 mm slit. The optimal experimental
setup will be dependent on the sample, the instrument and the informa-
tion required. A typical ‘quick’ data collection covering 5−90
2θ on a
conventional laboratory instrument might take 30 min, a higher-quality
scan for Rietveld refinement 12 h or more depending on the instrument
configuration. Line/area detectors may reduce these times by a factor
of 10–100.
Flat-plate samples can be prepared in a number of ways, either
as bulk powders pressed into a recessed holder or sprinkled on an
amorphous surface such as glass or (preferably) a ‘zero-background’
sample holder such as a 511-cut Si wafer. Flat-plate methods are,
however, prone to problems due to preferred orientation, whereby a
non-random arrangement of crystallites is presented to the beam. This
can severely skew diffraction intensities – in extreme cases making
experimental patterns appear completely different from calculated data
or database standards. Several methods for reducing preferred orien-
tation have been described in the literature (Klug and Alexander, 1974;
The positions and intensities of reflections are also influenced by
factors such as the sample surface roughness and sample absorption
properties. For organic samples low absorption can lead to a significant
portion of the diffracted intensity occurring from below the ideal sample
surface, leading to peak shifts and broadening. Surface roughness leads
to peaks being artificially strong at high 2θ. This method of data col-
lection is therefore perhaps best suited to relatively strongly absorbing
samples or ‘quick’ qualitative measurements.
The transmission setup of Fig. 17.2b is particularly well suited for
studies on low-absorbing organic/molecular materials. Here, the sam-
ple is placed at position 2, usually mounted in a thin-walled glass
capillary of 0.2–1.0 mm internal diameter and spun in the plane of the
page (Fig. 17.3). Samples can also be mounted on thin mylar sheets.
The use of capillaries significantly reduces preferred orientation effects,
though sample mounting is slightly more time consuming. For highly
absorbing samples unusual peak shapes may also be observed, but these
can now be calculated/modelled during refinement.
As with any piece of scientific equipment, the performance of a
powder diffractometer should be regularly checked. Various standard
materials areavailable tocheck the alignment of and intensitiesrecorded
by the system (www.nist.gov). There are several commercial suppliers
of powder diffractometers, with many of the modern designs allowing
a number of different experimental configurations on the same basic