there was also a large-scale civilian rising in north-central India. The gar-
rison of Meerut mutinied on 10 May, and Delhi was seized the next day.
Fortunately for the British, much of the Indian army remained loyal (the
Madras and Bombay armies, and about 30,000 sepoys of the Bengal army)
and the rulers of Hyderabad, Kashmir, and Nepal provided assistance,
helping ensure that the British outnumbered the rebels in many of the
clashes in 1858. No major prince joined the rebellion, and it also had no
foreign support: Afghanistan provided no support for the rebellion. Fur-
thermore, the movement of British troops into the region, and the inability
of the badly led rebels, who lacked effective coordination or indeed a clear
program, to spread the rebellion, helped the British regain the initiative,
storming Delhi and clearing the city in bitter street fighting in September
1857. Nevertheless, the campaign revealed serious flaws in the British
military system, not least over transport and medical services. In the
spring of 1858, the British overran the rebellious area, capturing Lucknow
on 22 March, Jhansi on 3 April, and Kalpi on 22 April. Thanks to impres-
sive generalship by Sir Hugh Rose, who unde rstood the need for effective
logistics, the rebellion in central India was ended in June with the capture
of Gwalior and victory at Jaura-Alipur. Peace was offici ally declared by
the Governor-General on 8 July 1858, although small-scale resistance con-
tinued, with a fresh rising at Multan in August 1858. However, the last
battle was at the Sirwa Pass on 21 May 1859, on the frontier of Nepal.
The defeated remnants fled into Nepal.
The Mutiny led, in 1858, by the India Act, to the end of rule by the East
government of what was not left under dependent local princes, a system
that continued until India gained independence in 1947. The British also
became more cautious in their treatment of Indian opinion, not least in
their willingness to consider unwelcome reforms. Caution owed some-
thing to the bitterness and racial violence of the struggle, and the long-
standing images of cruelty it provided. Fo r the British , this was the case
with mutineers massacring wom en, child ren, civilians, and prisoners, as
at Cawnpore in June–July 1857. In contrast, Colin Campbell’s ability to
lead a column to the relief of Lucknow in November 1857 became a
totemic occasion of Victorian soldiering and s erved as a model for sub-
sequent actions, while Henry Havelock and other commanders demon-
strated Christian militarism.
However, there were alternative images of
cruelty, with British troops killing captured mutineers, most dramatically
by strapping them across the muzzles of cannon which were then fired. In
modern India, the Mutiny was reinterpreted, somewhat anachronistically,
as India’s first war of independence or nationalism, and is now widely
referred to as the ‘‘Rebellion.’’
Once the Mutiny was suppressed, India returned to its former role as a
key support for British power elsewhere, including China. The separate
Imperial Ascendancy, 1815–1871 83