3.2.1 Precipitation within Lower Bainitic Ferrite
There are many observations that reveal the precipitation of carbides from
supersaturated lower bainite in a process identical to the tempering of
martensite. In situ hot-stage transmission electron microscopy has shown
that the lower bainitic ferrite remains supersaturated with carbon some time
after the completion of the ferrite growth (Kang et al:, 1990).
Unlike the microstructure of tempered martensite, the carbides tend to adopt
a single crystallographic variant in a given plate of lower bainite. They have
their longest axes inclined at about 608 to the `growth direction' of the ferrite
platelets (ASTM, 1955; Irvine and Pickering, 1958; Speich, 1962; Shimizu and
Nishiyama, 1963; Shimizu et al:, 1964). The angle quoted must of course vary as
a function of the plane of section; for lower bainitic ferrite with a habit plane
0:761 0:169 0:626
, the cementite precipitates on 1 12
giving an angle of
578 between the and cementite habit plane normals (Bhadeshia, 1980a).
Similar results have been obtained by Ohmori (1971a). In some cases, the
carbides have been found to form on several different variants of the
plane, although a particular variant still tends to dominate
(Srinivasan and Wayman, 1968b; Lai, 1975; Bhadeshia and Edmonds, 1979a).
In fact, a re-examination of published micrographs sometimes reveals the pre-
sence of several variants which were not noticed in the original publication (see
for example, Fig. 5, Degang et al:, 1989).
Early experiments using Curie point measurements and dilatometry gave
hints that the carbides are not always cementite (Wever and Lange, 1932; Allen
et al:, 1939; Antia et al:, 1944). For example, the orthorhombic transition carbide
discovered in high-silicon transformer steels by Konoval et al. (1959) has been
reported to precipitate from lower bainitic ferrite in Fe±1.15C±3.9Si wt% alloy
(Schissler et al:, 1975). Nevertheless, the most common transition carbide in
lower bainite is -carbide, ®rst identi®ed by Austin and Schwartz (1952) and
subsequently con®rmed by many others.
Matas and Hehemann interpreted these results to suggest that the initial
carbide in hypoeutectoid bainitic-steels is , which is then replaced by cemen-
tite on holding at the isothermal transformation temperature. The rate at which
the -carbide converts to cementite increases with temperature, but also
depends on the steel composition. A high silicon concentration retards the
reaction, as is commonly observed in the tempering of martensite (Owen,
1954; Gordine and Codd, 1969; Hobbs et al:, 1972).
The detection of -carbide in lower bainite is important because it implies a
large excess ( 0:25 wt%) of carbon trapped in bainitic ferrite when it ®rst
forms (Roberts et al:, 1957). However, -carbide is not always found as a pre-
cursor to the precipitation of cementite in lower bainite. Bhadeshia and
Edmonds (1979a) failed to detect -carbide in a high-silicon medium-carbon
Carbide Precipitation