disordered illite–smectite minerals. One of these has about 50% smectite layers; the
other has 20% smectite and is less abundant. Both types co-exist in the same ho-
rizon, with beidellite and montmorillonite as the expanding layers. Smaller amounts
of illite, kaolinite, and vermiculite are also present, but rarely chlorite. Irrespective of
climate (continental) and parent material, a convergence in mineralogy towards
mixed-layer phases seems to occur. That is, there is a tendency towards the same
chemical and mineralogical equilibrium, be it metastable or not. Nevertheless, the
clay minerals along a soil profile often show great diversity because of the complex
transformation and reaction processes that operate with increasing depth.
In the weathering environment, most clays are formed by incongruent dissolution
of unstable silicates. Reaction of the unstable mineral with less soluble compounds
can produce new clay minerals. Direct precipitation from solution can also give rise
to neoformed clay minerals with compositions that are very different from those of
the (dissolved) parent minerals. Eventually, a clay mineral can become unstable
because of intense drainage, forming oxides and liberating most ions.
Hydrolysis generally involves the exchan ge of protons from the solution for sol-
uble mono- and divalent cations in the minerals. Thus, the flow rate and acidity of
water play a key role in the formation of clay minerals. In a soil profile developed
under high rainfall, kaolinite is found in the upper part, while montmorillonite
commonly occurs in the lower part of the weathering profile, and closer to the rock
where the accumulation of leached ions can produce more chemically complex clay
minerals. Leaching is stronger when the topography is smooth or plain, and kaolinite
can predominate in soils of slight slope, while smectites are dominant in soils formed
in depressions (Kantor and Schwertmann, 1974).
In the classic example of granite weathering, a large part of the soils consists of
metastable muscovite, biotite, and chlorite. These minerals alter progressively into
clay minerals. Muscovite is degraded into illite, and both minerals can transform into
regular or random illite–smectite (I/S) mixed-layer minerals. Biotite and chlorite
transform into smectite through the formation of a regular mixed-layer phase
containing biotite and smectite, or chlori te and smectite. Corrensite, a 1:1 chlo-
rite–saponite mixed-layer mineral, is very common in soils. In many cases all these
primary minerals (muscovite, biotite, chlorite) can be transform ed into vermiculite.
When rainfall is high, muscovite and biotite eventually transform into kaolinite in
the upper part of the profile. Like the micas, plagioclase and orthoclase are also
destabilized and transform into kaolinite and some illite. Kaolinite decreases to-
wards the lower part of the alteration profile, while illite, I/S mixed-layer minerals,
vermiculite, and neoformed clay minerals (smectites) tend to increase with depth.
This evolution pathway also typifies the weathering of gneisses, and other types of
aluminous pellitic rocks.
In basic rocks, smectites (Fe-beidellite, nontronite) and vermiculite can form from
Ca-plagioclases, amphiboles, and pyroxenes. Depending on the Al content, minor
amounts of kaolinite may be formed. On ultrabasic rocks, saponite, serpentine,
chlorite, and talc are the most frequent phy llosilicates derived from pyroxenes and
14.1. Geological Environments for Clay Formation 1133