234 Variable-coefficients initial boundary value problems
has already been used in Chapter 4 for constant-coefficient problems. Therefore,
for all X ∈
X, we may consider the stable subspace of A(X), which we denote by
(X). By Dunford–Taylor’s formula, E
is locally smooth. More precisely, if
V is a small enough open subset of
X, there exists a closed contour Γ enclosing
all eigenvalues of A(X) of negative real part for X ∈ V , and the formula
2 iπ
( zI
defines a projector onto the stable subspace E
(X) such that Ker P
unstable subspace of A(X). Clearly, P
inherits the regularity of A:namely,it
is analytic in (η,τ)andC
in (x, t). The projector P
will be our basic tool to
construct Kreiss’ symmetrizers at points of
Remark 9.4 The above representation of E
(X) shows its dimension is locally
constant and thus independent of X in the connected set
X. Observing that, at
X =(y, 0,t,0, 1), the matrix A(X) reduces to
A(y, 0,t,0, 1) = −(A
(y, 0,t))
=(A(y, 0,t,ν(y, 0)))
we see the stable subspace E
(y, 0,t,0, 1) of A(y, 0,t,0, 1) coincides with the
stable subspace E
(A(y, 0,t,ν(y, 0))). Consequently, if the rank p of B(y, t)is
known to be the dimension of E
(A(y, 0,t,ν(y, 0)), the dimension of E
(X) also
equals p for all X ∈
The Lopatinski˘ı condition
We call the Lopatinski˘ı condition at some point X ∈
the requirement that
the mapping B(y, t)
: E
(X) → R
be an isomorphism. This algebraic
condition is equivalent to an analytical condition on the homogeneous constant-
coefficients problem, say (Π
), obtained by freezing the coefficients at (y, 0,t)
in (9.1.5)(9.1.6) and by taking f = g = 0 as source terms. The mapping
B(y, t)
turns out to be an isomorphism if and only if the problem (Π
does not have any non-trivial solution with the following features: square integra-
bility in the direction orthogonal to the boundary; oscillations with wave vector η
in the direction of the boundary; exponential-type behaviour e
τ ·
in time. Would
they exist, such solutions would be called normal modes. The equivalence between
the algebraic condition and the analytical one is a straightforward consequence
of the definition of E
(X), the stable subspace of the hyperbolic matrix A(X).
For B(y, t)
: E
(X) → R
to be an isomorphism, an obvious
necessary condition is dim E
(X)=p, which is true as soon as p =
dim E
(A(y, 0,t,ν(y, 0)) (see Remark 9.4 above). Once dim E
(X)=p is
known, it suffices to check that B(y, t)
is one-to-one, a quantitative version
of this condition being
) There exists C>0 so that for all V ∈ E
(X), V ≤C B(y, t) V .