Frequency boundary points 207
of degree zero, this map would have to be constant. Since J is indefinite, this is
obviously false.
8.2.3 Glancing points
Roughly speaking, glancing points are boundary points (ρ, η) in a neighbourhood
of which E
(τ,η) does not behave analytically, or at least at which the Implicit
Function Theorem does not apply. Since E
(τ,η) is the sum of generalized
eigenspaces of A(τ, η) associated to stable eigenvalues (Re µ<0), this means
that B(ρ, η) admits a real eigenvalue −ω, whose multiplicity does not persist
locally (crossing eigenvalues). In other words, an acceptable definition of glancing
points (ρ, η) ∈ (R × R
) \{(0, 0)} is that there exists an ω ∈ R such that
P (ρ, η, ω)=0,
(ρ, η, ω)=0, (8.2.7)
where P is the characteristic polynomial
P (X, ξ):=det(XI
+ A(ξ)).
When some irreducible factor occurs twice or more in P (see Proposition 1.7),
one should replace P by the product of its distinct irreducible factors, in this
We denote by G the set of glancing points. Elimination of ω in (8.2.7) yields
the result that G is contained in a real algebraic variety.
From the definition, G contains the apparent boundary of char(L) for an
observer sitting at infinity in the ξ
-direction. It also contains the projection
of self-intersections of Γ. Self-intersections occur when L is not constantly
hyperbolic. It might happen that such a self-intersection projects within H,
showing that the construction of dissipative symmetrizers can be a difficult task
even at hyperbolic points, in spite of the nice description given in Theorem 8.1.
Let (ρ, η) be a typical point of the apparent boundary of Γ from the ξ
direction. By typical,wemeanthatP (ρ, ξ) = 0, and the multiplicity m of ρ as a
root of P (·,ξ) is strictly less than the multiplicity M of ω as a root of P(ρ, η, ·).
Since A(ξ) is diagonalizable, the kernel of A(iρ, η) − iωI
, which equals that of
+ A(ξ), has dimension m.Sincem<M, the eigenvalue iω of A(iρ, η)isnot
semisimple; this matrix is not diagonalizable.
Recall that the maximal eigenvalue λ
(ξ)ofA(ξ) is a convex function that
is analytic in the constantly hyperbolic case. We have shown a kind of strict
convexity in Proposition 1.6. When this convexity is slightly stronger, say when
(ξ)=Rξ for every ξ ∈S
, then the above analysis applies to the
points (ρ = λ
(−ξ),ξ), and we deduce that on the boundary of H, the matrix
A(iρ, η) is not diagonalizable. Therefore, H is a connected component of the set
of pairs (ρ, η) ∈ (R × R
) \{(0, 0)} such that A(iρ, η) is diagonalizable.
Thesameargumentasaboveshowsthatif(ρ, η) is not a glancing point, then
every pure imaginary eigenvalue of A(iρ, η) is semisimple and locally analytic.