1 Historyand Overview 25
with B
≡ 4E
(1 − 2n
≡ E
. Combining
several such systems (several tunnel junctions) one
may achieve a behaviour that is useful for quantum-
mechanical information technology [61, 62]. Inter-
esting is also the case of a spin-polarized Josephson
current (triplet superconductivity, a ferromagnetic
medium 2, see Fig 1.34, etc.). A magnetic field could
manipulate the tunnel current. If strong correlations
occur in the tunnel medium (described by a Hubbard
like Hamiltonian) then in particular irradiation may
affect the electronic occupation of levels in the tun-
nel medium and thus manipulate the tunnel current
(ultrafast switching).
We thank D. Manske, I. Eremin, F. Nogueira for help-
ful discussions and last but not least E. v. Sulzbach
for encouragement. In particular we are also grateful
M¨uhlschlegel for many discussions over the years.
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