The Difco Manual 675
When writing an antigenic formula, list the O antigen(s) first followed
by the H antigen(s). Separate the major antigens by colons and the
components of the antigens by commas. For example, the antigenic
formula for Salmonella Typhimurium is Salmonella 1,4,5,12:i:1,2. This
means that the strain has O antigen factors 1,4,5 and 12, the flagella
phase 1 antigen i, and flagellar phase 2 antigens 1 and 2.
Complete identification of Salmonella requires cultural isolation,
biochemical characterization and serotyping. Any serological
results obtained before biochemical identification must be considered
as presumptive identification only. Refer to appropriate references for
complete identification of Salmonella.
The Kauffmann-White Scheme is presented in two forms. Appendix A
contains a list of Salmonella Serotypes by O Group. Appendix B
contains an alphabetical list of Salmonella Serotypes.
1. McWhorter-Murlin, A. C. and F. W. Hickman-Brenner. 1994.
Identification and Serotyping of Salmonella and an update of the
Kauffmann-White Scheme. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, Atlanta, GA.
2. Kauffmann, F. 1969. Enterobacteriaceae, 2nd ed. Munksgaard,
3. Ewing, W. H. 1986. Edwards and Ewing’s identification of
Enterobacteriaceae, 4th ed. Elsevier Science Publishing Co. Inc.,
New York, NY.
4. Popoff, M. Y. and L. LeMinor. 1997. Antigenic Formulas of the
Salmonella Serovars. WHO Collaborating Centre for Reference
and Research on Salmonella. Institut Pasteur, Paris, France.
5. Penner, J. L. 1988. International committee on systematic
bacteriology taxonomic subcommittee on Enterobacteriaceae. Int.
J. Syst. Bacteriol. 38:223-224.
6. LeMinor, L. and M. Y. Popoff. 1987. Request for an opinion.
Designation of Salmonella enterica sp. nov., nom. rev., as the type
and only species of the genus Salmonella. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol.
7. Wayne, L. G. 1991. Judicial Commission of the International
Committee on Systematic Bacteriology. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol.
8. Wayne, L. G. 1994. Actions of the Judicial Commission of the
International Committee on Systematic Bacteriology on requests
for opinions published between January 1985 and July 1993. Int.
J. Syst. Bacteriol. 44:177.
9. Old, D. C. 1992. Nomenclature of Salmonella. J. Med. Microbiol.
10. Murray, P. R., E. J. Baron, M. A. Pfaller, F. C. Tenover, and
R. H. Yolken (ed.). 1995. Manual of clinical microbiology, 6th ed.
American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
11. Farmer, J. J., III, A. C. McWhorter, D. J. Brenner, and
G. D. Morris. 1984. The Salmonella-Arizona group of
Enterobacteriaceae: nomenclature, classification and reporting.
Clin. Microbiol. Newsl. 6:63-66.
12. Isenberg, H. D. (ed.) 1992. Clinical microbiology procedures hand-
book, vol. 2. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C.
13. Holt, J. G., N. R. Krieg, P. H. Sneath, J. T. Staley, S. T.
Williams. 1994. Bergey’s manual of determinative bacteriology,
9th ed. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD.
14. Andrews, W. H., G. A. June, P. Sherrod, T. S. Hammack,
and R. M. Amaguana. 1995. Food and drug administration
bacteriological analytical manual, 8th edition. AOAC International,
Gaithersburg, MD.
15. Russell, S. F., J. D’Aoust, W. H. Andrews, and J. S. Bailey. 1992.
Salmonella. In Vanderzant, C. and D. F. Splittstoesser, (eds.),
Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of
foods, 3rd ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
16. Popoff, M, Y., and L. LeMinor. 1992. Antigenic formulas of
the Salmonella serovars, 6
revision. WHO Collaborating
Centre for Reference and Research on Salmonella. Pasteur
Institute, Paris, France.
17. Rohde, R. 1979. Serological integration of all known Arizona
species into the Kauffmann-White scheme. Zentralbl. Bakteriol.
Hyg, I. Abt. Orig. A. 243:148-176.
18. LeMinor, L. 1984. Genus III. Salmonella. In N. R. Krieg, (ed.),
Bergey’s manual of systematic bacteriology, vol. 1. The Williams
and Wilkins Co., Baltimore, MD.
Appendix A
Kauffmann-White Scheme
List of Salmonella Serotypes by O Group
(Updated 1994)
Appendix A contains a list of Salmonella Serotypes by O Group. The
serotypes are sorted by O group first, then by Phase I and Phase 2 of
the H antigens. The z antigens do not appear in the correct numerical
order - z
will be listed after z
because the 1 of 10 is read first, and
will appear after z
IP Institut Pasteur. See reference #16 in
Kauffmann-White Scheme monograph published
by WHO Collaborating Centre for Reference and
Research on Salmonella.
Ar. “Arizona” antigenic formula
Rohde Refer to reference #17 in Kauffmann-White
Scheme monograph by R. Rohde. He
incorporated all known Arizona serotypes
into the Kauffmann-White Scheme.
Bergey Refer to reference #18 in Kauffmann-White
Scheme monograph by L. LeMinor for
“Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology.”
Numbers Numbers that are underlined in a serotype
represent somatic factors determined by phage
conversion. They are present if the culture is
lysogenized by the corresponding converting
[ ] O or H factors may be present or absent
without relation to phage conversion.
( ) O or H factor is weakly agglutinable.
R phases Abnormal specificities of H antigens that were
described by Kauffmann. They are uncommon.
Section V Salmonella, Antigenic Scheme