x The Difco Manual
products of protein decomposition are equally utilizable by all
bacteria. In their relation to proteins, bacteria may be divided into two
classes; those which decompose naturally occurring proteins, and those
which require simpler nitrogenous compounds such as peptones and
amino acids.
The relation of amino acids to bacterial metabolism, and the ability of
bacteria to use these compounds, have been studied by many workers.
for example, reports that cysteine and leucine are essential in
the cultivation of Mycobacterium leprae. Kendall, Walker and Day
and Long
reported that the growth of M. tuberculosis is dependent
upon the presence of amino acids. Many other workers have studied the
relation of amino acids to the growth of other organisms, as for example,
Hall, Campbell, and Hiles
to the meningococcus and Streptococcus;
Cole and Lloyd
and Cole and Onslow
to the gonococcus; and Jacoby
and Frankenthal
to the influenza bacillus. More recently Feeley, et
demonstrated that the nonsporeforming aerobe, Legionella
pneumophila requires L-cysteine
HCI for growth on laboratory media.
Indispensable as amino acids are to the growth of many organisms,
certain of them in sufficient concentration may exert an inhibitory
effect upon bacterial development.
From the data thus far summarized, it is apparent that the problem
of bacterial metabolism is indeed complicated, and that the phase
concerned with bacterial growth and nutrition is of the utmost practical
importance. It is not improbable that bacteriological discoveries such
as those with Legionella pneumophila await merely the evolution of
suitable culture media and methods of utilizing them, just as in the past
important discoveries were long delayed because of a lack of similar
requirements. Bacteriologists are therefore continuing to expend much
energy on the elucidation of the variations in bacterial metabolism,
and are continuing to seek methods of applying, in a practical way, the
results of their studies.
While the importance of nitrogenous substances for bacterial growth
was recognized early in the development of bacteriological technique,
it was also realized, as has been indicated, that bacteria could not
always obtain their nitrogen requirements directly from protein. It
is highly desirable, in fact essential, to supply nitrogen in readily
assimilable form, or in other words to incorporate in media proteins
which have already been partially broken down into their simpler and
more readily utilizable components. Many laboratory methods, such
as hydrolysis with alkali,
enzymatic digestion,
and partial digestion of plasma
have been described for the preparation
of protein hydrolysates.
The use of protein hydrolysates, particularly gelatln and casein, has
led to especially important studies related to bacterial toxins by
Mueller, et al.
on the production of diphtheria toxin; that of Tamura,
et al.
of toxin of Clostridium welchii; that of Bunney and Loerber
on scarlet fever toxin, and of Favorite and Hammon
on Staphylococcus
enterotoxin. In addition, the work of Snell and Wright
on the
microbiological assay of vitamins and amino acids was shown to
be dependent upon the type of protein hydrolysate utilized. Closely
associated with research on this nature are such studies as those of
on pimelic acid as a growth factor for Corynebacterium
diphtheriae, and those of O’Kane
on synthesis of riboflavin by
staphylococci. More recently, the standardization of antibiotic suscep-
tibility testing has been shown to be influenced by peptones of culture
media. Bushby and Hitchings
have shown that the antimicrobial ac-
tivities of trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole are influenced consider-
ably by the thymine and thymidine found in peptones of culture media.
In this brief discussion of certain phases of bacterial nutrition, we have
attempted to indicate the complexity of the subject and to emphasize
the importance of continued study of bacterial nutrition. Difco Labo-
ratories has been engaged in research closely allied to this problem in
its broader aspects since 1914 when Bacto Peptone was first introduced.
Difco dehydrated culture media, and ingredients of such media, have
won universal acceptance as useful and dependable laboratory adjuncts
in all fields of microbiology.
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