the fauna except for the northernmost part and the
Caribbean area. Conversely, a number of taxa
migrated northward and invaded North America
(Smith & Cook, 1999; Smith et al., 2001).
These considerations suggest that the actual scenario
of water mite diversity and distribution reflect essen-
tially the basic vicariance pattern. Isolation, phyloge-
netic diversification, recent climatic vicissitudes and
episodes of dispersal between adjacent land masses
together with extant ecological factors can be evoked to
explain distribution patterns at a global scale.
Human related issues
Water mites represent a robust component of aquatic
communities in terms of both abundance and species
richness. Their high specialization to particular micro-
habitats and the strength of biotic interactions as
predators (deutonymphs and adults) and parasites
(larvae) are important features not shared by other
components of macroinvertebrate communities. Per-
haps because of this specificity and interconnected-
ness, they reflect natural changes and human induced
modifications of freshwater communities (see Di
Sabatino et al., 2000, 2002 and references therein).
Water mites are mostly absent from springs, running
waters, ponds and lakes whose natural sediment
structure has been destroyed and/or water quality
reduced by organic waste waters, heavy metals or other
poisonous com pounds. Moreover, due to the high
number of taxa specialized for life in spring habitats
(Di Sabatino et al., 2003) or in the upper part of the
interstitial zone, their study offers an important but
seldom exploited tool for understand ing and monitor-
ing human impacts in groundwaters (Boulton et al.,
2003) and groundwater–surfacewater interactions.
Acknowledgements We wish to thank H. Proctor (Alberta,
Canada) and three anonymous reviewers for their helpful
comments on an earlier draft of this article. ADS wish to thank
P. Vignini (L’Aquila, Italy) for her valuable help during the
preparation of the manuscript. ADS and BC were in part
financially supported by the Italian MIUR (ex 60%).
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