148 Language as Medium, Language as Message
refined than either; yet bearing to both of them a stronger affinity, both in the
roots of verbs and in the forms of grammar, than could have been produced
by accident; so strong that no philologer could examine the Sanskrit, Greek
and Latin, without believing them to have sprung from some common source,
which, perhaps, no longer exists.⁴⁷
From this time onwards, ‘Indo-European’, which was believed to
closely resemble the sacred language of India (Sanskrit), was usually
employed as the main vehicle for explaining the origins and transfor-
mations of European languages.⁴⁸ The new theory also helped to create
the discipline of comparative linguistics, which transformed William
Jones’s intuitive approach into a more scientific method. When the
German linguist Franz Bopp (1791–1867) published his Vergleichende
Grammatik des Sanskrit, Zend, Griechischen, Lateinischen, Litauischen,
Alt-Slawischen, Gotischen und Deutschen, his work was generally ac-
knowledged to have inaugurated a new era.⁴⁹ Bopp’s conclusions were
primarily influenced by Jacob Grimm, Friedrich von Schlegel and
Herder’s presupposition of the Ursprache as being expressive of the
Daukantas’s works contain references to Bopp’s master, the Dane
Rasmus Rask (1787–1832), in particular to his book
Uber den Ursprung
der altnordischen Sprache. His thesis also benefited from the proximity of
the (German) university of K
onigsberg, where prominent scholars were
among the first to engage in the study of comparative linguistics. In
addition to Immanuel Kant’s foreword to a Lithuanian dictionary, cited
in the previous chapter, the most important impulse for Daukantas was
the essay written by the K
onigsberg scholar Peter von Bohlen, Ueber die
Verwandtschaft zwischen der Lithauischen und Sanskritsprache.⁵¹ Bohlen
claimed that it would be no exaggeration to refer to Lithuanian as the
⁴⁷ R. H. Robins, A Short History of Linguistics (London, 1976), 134.
⁴⁸ Maurice Olender, ‘Europe, or How to Escape Babel’, History and Theory Beiheft 33
(1994), 21.
⁴⁹ In the preface to the second English edition, a fellow linguist praised it with the
following words: ‘it may be justly assigned a place in that department of study corresponding
to that of Newton’s Principia in mathematics, Bacon’s Novum Organum in mental science
or Blumenbach in physiology’. Franz Bopp, A Comparative Grammar of the Sanscrit, Zend,
Greek, Latin, Lithuanian, Gothic, German and Sclavonic Languages (London, 1854), without
page numbers.
⁵⁰ P. A. Verbung, ‘The Background to the Linguistic Concepts of Bopp’, Lingua 2:4
(1949–50), 443. Schegel’s famous book was entitled
Uber die Sprache und Weisheit der Inder.
⁵¹ For a brief discussion of Bohlen’s career see G
otz von Selle, Geschichte der Albertus-
at zu K¨onigsberg in Preussen, 2nd edn. (W
urzburg, 1956), 293–4.