Army Fitness Manual
Use a squat rack and barbell. With feet shoulder-
width apart, toes pointing slightly outward, back erect, and
barbell on the shoulders, squat to a 90° bend at the knees then
return to full extension. Try one repetition with 70 kg. If you
do it comfortably, continue and do as many repetitions as you
can. If you struggle to do one rep at 70 kg, drop down to 60 kg
to do your
Fitness Check
this time.
• If you use 70 kg and do 11 reps or less, use 60 kg for your
. If you do 22 or more reps, use 80 kg
next time.
• If you use 60 kg for your
Fitness Check
and do 11 reps or less, use 60 kg
next time.
• Do sit-ups at the rate of 25 per minute
to a maximum of 100 repetitions. With your knees
bent and feet held down, curl up to touch your elbows
to your knees.
Checking Your Power
Standing Long Jump
Record the maximum
distance jumped in your best of three attempts.
Measure from your toes on the starting line to
where your heels land. Use a full arm swing
and bend your legs to get a good push off.
Record the maximum distance
jumped in your best of three attempts. Measure
from your toes on the starting line to your heel
on final landing. Start with one foot on the start
line, jump to the other foot then to the starting
foot without pausing. Use your arms to drive you
forward during the jump.
40-Metre Sprint
Record your best time of two
attempts. Place one foot ahead of the other at the start.
Lean forward and drive your arms to get moving.