Photos: © Naoisa & Partners
Manabu & Arata/Naya Architects
his dynamic building, made up of 36 loft-type dwellings, brings an
innovative air to the neighborhood with its original, inatmitable struc-
ture. The lower floor is designed to hold shops, a garage, and the main hall.
Five floors of different types of apartments are situated above this and
include studios, two-bedroomed apartments, and small houses—all inspired
by loft fever. The structure of the apartments is clear from the facade of the
building and brings a unique character to the project, alternating
terraces and extended exterior areas that maximize the living space.
The building is defined by its central structure, the balconies protected by
wooden slats, and the square-shaped steel boxes that surround the stairs and
elevators. The open layout of the units produces an interesting composition
that brings life to the facade and interacts with the adjacent buildings and the
passersby. The large-scale windows bring a layer of transparency between
interior and exterior, allowing the light to flood the apartments.
The majority of these lofts have an open-plan interior with the day area
on the lower level and the private rooms upstairs. Double-height ceilings,
located just above the communal rooms near the outer part of the apart-
ments, provide maximum natural light. The interior design focused on a very
simple color scheme in harmony with the style of the facade. Thus the par-
quet floor and the timber features, such as the chairs or the steps of the stair-
case, create a warm and luminous ambience, combined with the white walls
and the furniture. The steel features in the kitchen and the structure that sep-
arates the rooms completes this fusion between the concealed interior and
the facade.
Manabu S. Arata/Naya Architects