ɀ Timing? First: when will the media (radio, TV, internet sites, blog-
gers, daily newspapers, magazines, trade press) begin to report on
the incident? Is our information adequate or should we take the
time to provide them with more detailed information? And when
will we inform the employees, the government and head office?
Then: how long will the crisis last? There is the initial incident, and
then there are the consequences, the negotiations, the restoration of
the situation, contacts with pressure groups, NGOs, etc.
ɀ What is at risk? What will we lose in the worst case? How loyal are
our clients, our suppliers and our shareholders? Will they also be
loyal in bad times? How long will people remember this incident?
What will the impact be on the reputation of our company or organ-
ɀ Can we get the crisis under control? In a general context: how can
our actions contribute to speculation and negative or imprecise
reporting being limited as quickly as possible and to preventing the
crisis from getting out of hand? In a limited context: can the crisis
be attributed to a specific branch or product? If you only use the
geographical name of the branch or the name of the specific
product and you give the spokespeople a role that is limited to the
subsidiary, you may be able to keep the name of the parent
company and/or its other products out of the line of fire or at least
limit the damage.
ɀ Can we find allies? Would our sectoral employers’ organization or
professional association be better able to communicate the message
credibly or ensure that it is received better? Or perhaps an inde-
pendent research centre or university?
ɀ Who is involved? Are third parties involved with the incident? Are
there government services that have not done their jobs properly?
Suppliers? An extortionist? Vandals? Terrorists? That can influence
our strategy: if we come first with the news, we may be labelled as
‘guilty’, regardless. It may be possible for you – along with the
public – to blame that other ‘guilty party’ now.
Crisis Communication Checklists