Pref ac e
In the recent decades, numerical simulation has become a very important and suc-
cessful approach for solving complex problems in almost all areas of human life. This
book presents a collection of recent contributions of researchers working in the area
of numerical simulations. It is aimed to provide new ideas, original results and practi-
cal experiences regarding this highly actual fi eld. The subject is mainly driven by the
collaboration of scientists working in diff erent disciplines. This interaction can be seen
both in the presented topics (for example, problems in fl uid dynamics or electromag-
netics) as well as in the particular levels of application (for example, numerical calcula-
tions, modeling or theoretical investigations).
The papers are organized in thematic sections on computational fl uid dynamics (fl ow
models, complex geometries and turbulence, transport of sediments and contaminants,
reacting fl ows and combustion). Since cfd-related topics form a considerable part of the
submi ed papers, the present fi rst volume is devoted to this area. The second volume is
thematically more diverse, it covers the areas of the remaining accepted works ranging
from particle physics and optics, electromagnetics, materials science, electrohydraulic
systems, and numerical methods up to safety simulation.
In the course of the publishing process it unfortunately came to a diffi culty in which
consequence the publishing house was forced to win a new editor. Since the under-
signed editor entered at a later time into the publishing process, he had only a re-
stricted infl uence onto the developing process of book. Nevertheless the editor hopes
that this book will interest researchers, scientists, engineers and graduate students in
many disciplines, who make use of mathematical modeling and computer simulation.
Although it represents only a small sample of the research activity on numerical simu-
lations, the book will certainly serve as a valuable tool for researchers interested in
ge ing involved in this multidisciplinary fi eld. It will be useful to encourage further
experimental and theoretical researches in the above mentioned areas of numerical
Lutz Angermann
Institut für Mathematik, Technische Universität Clausthal,
Erzstraße 1, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld