34Amaro Forests - Chap 30 1/8/03 11:54 am Page 349
349 Landscape Visualization with Forest Growth Simulators
process models. The opposite development can be seen for the growth simulator
TRAGIC++ (Hauhs et al., 1993, 1995, 1999; BITOEK, 2002a).
Forestry-related individual-tree-based growth models, such as
differentiate the individual tree into only a few compartments, such as root, stem
and crown. Functional–structural growth models identify a much larger number of
compartments. They model specific functionalities for the compartments, and the
result of the simulation typically depends on the generated structure within the
individual tree. One approach of this type uses so-called L-systems (Lindenmayer,
1968). The idea of a rule-based behaviour of tree growth has been implemented in
the ‘growth engines’ of
GROGRA (Kurth, 1994, 1999) and AMAP (de Reffye and Blaise,
Parallel to the development of sophisticated growth simulators, visualization
technologies also advanced to new levels. T
raditional media such as graphs and
maps can now be generated with a few mouse clicks. The production of maps,
especially, gained much greater efficiency with the introduction of geographical
information systems (GIS). These systems even enable the user to create 3D maps
with very little effort. One step further is the creation of 3D scenes based on tech-
nology standards such as
VRML, OPENGL and DIRECTX (see Seifert, 1998). These are
used at different levels of resolution and quality as visualization tools in all of the
mentioned growth simulators. Most of the difference is caused by the high
demand of computation capacities for these visualization technologies, and their
varying availability.
The generation and processing of large quantities of data has become common
ough use of the described technologies along with effective tools for data storage
and transfer. The spatial context of forestry-related data calls for GIS functionalities.
To transfer data of complex and variable structure among independent modules of
different standards, tools such as XML have been developed. The eXtensible
Markup Language is a mechanism to identify structures (content such as words, pic-
tures, etc. and some indication of what role that content plays) in a document
(ASCII file, stream, etc.).
Besides the exchange of information among the software packages, one major
task is the appr
opriate transfer to the user. For the realization of communication and
interactivity between the user and the software, the graphical user interface (GUI)
became the standard with the introduction of the Apple Macintosh. Today, conve-
nient developer kits enable the engineering of adapted GUIs.
The three modules concept
As the general structure of our forestry-related information system we concentrate
on thr
ee main components: simulator, database and visualization tools (Knauft,
2000). This structure has been realized to various degrees of integration in profes-
sional forest information systems (
ABIES, FOGIS–INTEND Kassel), as well as in academic
systems (
The availability of efficient tools such as GIS, forest growth simulators and tree
or landscape visualization tools, combined with limited financial r
esources, favours
a modular concept. Table 30.2 presents an overview of the criteria which have
influenced the selection in the presented applications.