7.3 Combining chiral and gauge supermultiplets 113
Since the fields λ and D are neutral, any gauge-invariant couplings between
them and the charged fields φ and χ must involve neutral bilinear combinations of
the latter fields, namely φ
φ, φ
χ, χ
φ and χ
χ. These have mass dimension 2,
5/2, 5/2 and 3 respectively. They have to be coupled to the fields λ and D which
have dimension 3/2 and 2 respectively, so as to make quantities with dimension
no greater than 4. This rules out the bilinear χ
χ, and allows just three possible
Lorentz- and gauge-invariant renormalizable couplings: (φ
χ) · λ, λ
· (χ
φ), and
φ D. In the first of these the Lorentz invariant is formed as the ‘·’ product of
the L-type quantity φ
χ and the L-type spinor λ, while in the second it is formed
as a ‘λ
· χ
’-type product. We take the sum of the first two couplings to obtain a
hermitian interaction, and arrive at the possible allowed interaction terms
χ) · λ + λ
· (χ
φ)] + Bqφ
φ D. (7.33)
The coefficients A and B are now to be determined by requiring that the com-
plete Lagrangian of (7.32) together with (7.33) is SUSY-invariant (note that for
convenience we have extracted an explicit factor of q from A and B).
To implement this programme we need to specify the SUSY transformations of
the fields. At first sight, this seems straightforward enough: we use (7.2), (7.12),
(7.13) and (7.15) for the fields in the vector supermultiplet, and we ‘covariantize’
the transformations used for the chiral supermultiplet. For the latter, then, we pro-
visionally assume
φ = ξ · χ, δ
χ =−iσ
φ + ξ F,δ
F =−iξ
χ, (7.34)
together with the analogous transformations for the hermitian conjugate fields. As
we shall see, however, there is no choice we can make for A and B in (7.33) such
that the complete Lagrangian is invariant under these transformations. One may not
be too surprised by this: after all, the transformations for the chiral supermultiplet
were found for the case q = 0, and it is quite possible, one might think, that one or
more of the transformations in (7.34) have to be modified by pieces proportional to
q. Indeed, we shall find that the transformation for F does need to be so modified.
There is, however, a more important reason for the ‘failure’ to find a suitable A
and B. The transformations of (7.2), (7.12), (7.13) and (7.15), on the one hand,
and those of (7.34) on the other, certainly do ensure the SUSY-invariance of the
gauge and chiral parts of (7.32) respectively, in the limit q = 0. But there is no
a priori reason, at least in our ‘brute-force’ approach, why the ‘ξ’ parameter in
one set of transformations should be exactly the same as that in the other. Either
‘ξ’ can be rescaled by a constant multiple, and the relevant sub-Lagrangian will
remain invariant. However, when we combine the Lagrangians and include (7.33),
for the case q = 0, we will see that the requirement of overall SUSY-invariance
fixes the relative scale of the two ‘ξ ’s’ (up to a sign), and without a rescaling in one